Sunday, January 2, 2011

Best Book List for 2010

Best Book List for 2010

Every year I create a list of the best books that people have read over the past year.  I am asking YOU, my literary friends for their top choices in the adult and young adult categories.  I will leave the form up for about two weeks and then compile a list and publish in a format that is easy to copy and take with you to the store or just to keep and check off the ones you have read.

To see last year's list click:  Best Book List for 2009

Here are my choices for 2010:
Young Adult Category:  Crank by Ellen Hopkins.  (I loved all three of the books in this series)

Honorable Mention Young Adult Category:  Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher 

Adult Category:  I have it narrowed down to four and it is so hard to choose but I think I am going to pick
 The 19th Wife by David Ebershoff.  

Honorable Mentions Adult Category:  Pope Joan by Donna Woolfolk Cross
                                 The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
                                                          Safe from the Sea by Peter Geye

I have linked each title including my honorable mentions to my review of the book. 

Your turn.  What are the best books you read in 2010?