Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Postmistress

The Postmistress by Sarah Blake

September 7th, 2010

Dear Reader,
I wanted to write you a letter and tell you about this wonderful book I just read called The Postmistress.  It takes place in the United States right before World War Two when some Americans believed they were safe and secure. 

In Europe, the war has already begun with nightly bombings in England.  The war correspondents are busy reporting over the airwaves hoping to reach an interested soul.  The Jews have begun there massive exodus and the trains are full of people with nowhere to go. 

Iris, Emma and Frankie are three female narrators of their intertwining fates.  Love and peace have abandoned them, letters connect them.  The characters are strong, especially Frankie who is a radio journalist.  She sets out to tell a story and the story becomes who she is and encompasses her. 

Many letters are written and mailed with kisses, hand prints and love.  Some letters are just voices recorded for the world to hear and not sent.  Many letters are sealed, stamped, postmarked and sent on their journey.  I am wondering where do the letters go that don't make it to their intended?  Are voices and letters sent out into the universe collected and kept?  If so, then by whom?  Are some stories intentionally not told?  Is it our duty to tell every story?  Is God really listening?

Sorry I have so many questions and none of the answers.

I hope this letter finds you safe and surrounded by peace wherever you are in the world.   Count your blessings and hug your loved ones.  I will be thinking about you and our journey in this world together.

With much love and hope,
Your Friend and fan of The Postmaster who carries our letters here and there,

I received this book as part of Crazy Book Tours.