It's time for BlogFest Baby!! Time to rock the house and stay on the computer all weekend entering contests. Pick Me! Pick Me!
No your Ugly! Seriously, I am giving away a fabulous read, that I have not read yet but really, really, really want to. One lucky person will win a copy of FALLOUT by Ellen Hopkins which is to be released on Tuesday. Fallout is the third book in the Crank series. This contest is open internationally!
Here is the book blurb from Goodreads.
Hunter, Autumn, and Summer—three of Kristina Snow's five children—live in different homes, with different guardians and different last names. They share only a predisposition for addiction and a host of troubled feelings toward the mother who barely knows them, a mother who has been riding with the monster, crank, for twenty years.

Told in three voices and punctuated by news articles chronicling the family's story, FALLOUT is the stunning conclusion to the trilogy begun by CRANK and GLASS, and a testament to the harsh reality that addiction is never just one person's problem.
1.Open Internationally
2.Must be a follower of Booksnob. You chose which way you want to follow.
3.Leave a comment and tell me if you have known anyone struggling with an addiction.
4. Fill out the Form enclosed on this post.
5. Have Fun and Good luck!!
My uncle has been dry for nearly 20 years. Since he stopped drinking he's married a wonderful woman and had three great kids... we're terrifically proud of him!
ReplyDeleteNo I don't know anyone personally struggling with addiction. But this book looks great!!!! Fingers crossed that I win!!!!!!!!!! I am going to have to get the books before it. LOL
allison.winfield at
hi, im just hopping but i cant find the post, so ill write here. im a new follower and i really like your blog. Im looking forward to your reviews!
ReplyDeletevisit me at
I have never known anyone struggling with an addiction but I'm actually reading the second book in that series now and I can see how terrible it would be to know someone who has an addiction like Kristina did.
ReplyDeleteI've read all of the books in this series. I have not struggled with addiction, but have had loved ones who've lost their minds/ souls to the Monster...I'd love to read this last book in this series!
ReplyDeleteMy mother struggled with a cigarette addiction for most of my life. This year is her 6th year of not smoking! I am very proud of her.
ReplyDeleteI struggle with cigarrette and caffeine addiction!
ReplyDeleteBoth my parents are addicted to cigarrettes.
ReplyDeleteI know people who are addicted to cigarettes and it's hard for them to break it.
ReplyDeletei'm a smoker and quiting is hard
ReplyDeleteMy friend has a difficult time with pornography. This addiction is truly terrible. It has torn apart his family.
ReplyDeleteHey! I was a smoker, it was hard to stop.
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogfest and thank-you!
ReplyDeleteFollower Google
My son is still struggling with his addiction to pills but everyday he gets stronger and stronger. Would love to win this book
ReplyDeleteGod Bless,
I'm reading Tricks by Ellen Hopkins right now. Her writing is so real and raw to me. I don't know anyone who is struggling with addiction, answering that question really makes me feel blessed that the people in my life aren't suffering from addiction.
ReplyDeleteI found your blog from the blog hop. :)
I've unfortunately known many, many people struggling from addiction, anywhere from cigarettes to food to heroin to sex. Addiction is something that affects all walks of life. Thanks for this great giveaway. I'm a new Ellen Hopkins fan.
ReplyDeleteSighhhhhhh I know too many people with addiction. Runs in the family, affects generations yet unborn. Also friends too.
ReplyDeletebmcbroom AT
Thanks so much for this giveaway! :)
ReplyDeleteI know several people suffering from addiction unfortunately. :S
ReplyDeleteThank you for this giveaway!
I have a family member who is an alcoholic, so sadly, I know all about addiction. The sad thing is, his brother DIED from his alcoholism. He had system failures in his body.
ReplyDeleteMy dad was an addict (he also smoked cigarettes). This started when he was older, too - not just a younger adult's affliction.
My mother struggled with addiction my whole childhood. Sad really.
I've known way too many people with addictions. Cigarettes, alcohol, sex, illegal substances, porn... The list goes on. It makes me ache for their families, and for me, for dealing with whatever behavior they exhibit to those they live with. I know a couple of my friends' girlfriends had gotten beaten up here and there. It wasn't a pretty sight.
Filled out the form, Im following you via GFC and my email is
ReplyDeleteI was an addict for many years, I lost custody of my daughter when she was 2 and it was a long road to get sober and fight very hard to get her back, I have now had her back for 6 years and have been sober for 7.5 years.
My mother has a couple bad addictions.
ReplyDeleteYeah. I have know someone struggling with drug addiction. I'd hard to say if I'd judge them for it considering my own addictions: shopping, books, internet. We all have out own fixes.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
Missie, The Unread Reader
missie at
Thanks for the giveaway, yeah I've known a couple of people with addictions.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway.
I have personally suffered from an Eating Disorder for more than half my life. That is an addiction. I have been recovered for almost 10 years now.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for the chance to win this book! :)
My father was an alcoholic, it eventually led to his death.
ReplyDeleteseriousreader at live dot com
Yes, I've known several people who struggle with drug, drink, and gambling addictions.
I knew someone with an alcohol addiction, but he hasn't been drinking for a few years now.
ReplyDeleteirisonbooks [at] gmail [dot] com
my dad had a chewing tobacco addiction for about 20 years, but he just recently quit!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've known anyone who had a drug addiction but the thought of it truly does scare me. :/
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Ellen Hopkins & I've been wanting to get this book to read it!
Addiction seems to be a family trait in my family. It's pretty common in various forms - alcohol, drugs, food, cigarettes, gambling...
ReplyDeleteI know way too many people that are addicted to something. Even abusive relationships. And thats one of the worst forms of addiction...
Just dropping by to say hello. Please accept your award on my blog.
ReplyDeleteI grew up in an addiction riddled environment. No surprise I had my own demons to battle. So yes, I have known someone - I lost my father to his addiction to alcohol. Thanks for the opportunity! Indigo
My only addiction is to books, and don't know anyone struggling with addictions.
ReplyDeletespamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
My uncle was addicted to gambling and had lot of problems with that. But now it is fine and he is trying to start a new life. And of course I know many people who cant quit smoking.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your giveaway!
troueny at gmail dot com
Yes, I know people who have struggled with addiction.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win!
I know several people who have struggled with different types of addiction.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
I watched my mom struggle to fight her addiction to alcohol for years. I can happily say she won the battle, but not without battle wounds.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
My hubby kicked his addiction to drugs. I am so proud of him for doing that.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway :)
Fortunally I haven't met anyone struggling with addiction.
ReplyDeleteGreat giveaway!!!
Sadly, I have met many people struggling with addictions of many kinds drugs, alcohol, a toxic relationship, food. On the plus side I also know many people with long term sobriety.
ReplyDeleteEntered with form
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
I just read Crank a month ago.
ReplyDeleteI meet recovering addicts through my job but no one personally.
Unfortunately, one of my nephews was struggling with an addiction.
ReplyDeleteI'm lucky to be able to say that I don't know anyone with an addiction. From what I hear, it must be extremely difficult to live with an addict. I hope it will never happen to me.
ReplyDeleteMy grandparents struggled for years with smoking addictions. One recovered. One did not.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win this book! I've heard some amazing things about it.
thebookishtype [at] yahoo [dot] com
My dad was an alcoholic, he died a few years ago from liver disease.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway.
Unfortunately my family has had to deal with some family members that have had debilitating addictions. My brothers wife recently stopped taking prescription pills that she was addicted to. It almost ruined their lives, but she is much better now. I have two cousins dealing with addiction to pain medications as well. It has resulted in everything from wrecked vehicles to jail time. It's hard on any family going through it, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, if those addicted are able to seek help and turn their lives around.
ReplyDeleteMy cousin's cousin was drug addicted. He died after 2 years of struggling to overcome the addiction
ReplyDeletehi_rubychan @
My mother struggles with nicotine addition despite the fact that she had a stroke at 49, has asthma, and struggles for every breath she takes.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
Yes, different forms of addiction seem to run in my family.
ReplyDeleteHi, I am a new follower.My husband was an alcoholic, he has been sober now for 6 years, but he tells me it's still one day at a time. Artesia[at]comcast[dot]net
ReplyDeleteI don't really know anyone with an addiction... Although I have two uncles who smoke but I'm not sure if they're addicted or not
ReplyDeleteI suffered from prescription drug addiction when I was a teenager. I blew out my knee playing sports, and got hooked on the feeling of "nothing" the pain medication offered. <--- this is the reason I don't even think of picking up cigs. Once and addict, always an addict, you just have to accept it and learn from it.
ReplyDeleteMy x- husband is an alcoholic
ReplyDeleteHaven't seen him in a while so I don't know how he is doing
Yes, I actually know quite a lot of people struggling with a lot of different types of addictions. It's very difficult to see people you care about go through!
ReplyDeleteI do know somebody with addiction but they can't admit it.
ReplyDeletecouponmomma2010 at hotmail dot com
I know many teens at my school are struggling with addiction of all types but they won't admit to it.
ReplyDeleteMy sister struggled with addiction. She died of an overdose.
ReplyDeleteI know someone addicted to alcohol.
ReplyDeletedakotasky55 at gmail dot com
sadly, yes I know people who have an addiction.
ReplyDeleteYes, I have known several people struggling with addictions. I have family members who have struggled with drug addiction and alcoholism.
Great post and giveaway I am following via GFC.
ReplyDeleteI know a ton of people who suffer from addictions of all kinds. I would imagine that most people know at least one person whether they realize it or not.
Hope you can make it to #98 to win a KINDLE. :) Thanks for being part of BlogFest 2010. I am looking forward to coming back to your blog and checking it out more later. LOVE your color scheme/theme.
I grew up with addiction and know many people still trying to work it out.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteNot really.. I don't know. I am addicted to internet though, not extremely maybe, but still..
Fiona Chan
My mom has suffered with this illness for very many years. Now she is in the hospital due to the effects of the illness. This is a very sad time.
ReplyDeletedorcontest at gmail dot com
I know a few people struggling with addictions. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI lost one of my best friends to alcoholism. It was dreadful and so unnecessary. A complete waste.
jhsmail at comcast dot net
My older brother has struggled with drug addiction off and on all his life.
ReplyDeletekherbrand at comcast dot net
I have a few high school friends that have struggled with addiction!
ReplyDeleteTaraTagli at gmail dot com
A couple of high school firends have struggle with addiction but luckly it's never gotten out of hand.
ReplyDeletebtw I love your backround! ^^
I don't know anyone who is struggling with an addiction but I've read stories and it's so sad what they go through!
I don't know anyone close who has struggled with an addiction, but know of people who have. I do know individuals who are close to someone who has struggled with an addiction. It is hard to be the loved one who watches someone destroy their life.
Thanks for the giveaway. Addiction is a tough subject but all too familiar. I work with substance abusers so this is quite a familiar topic. I personally struggle with a food addiction and will for the rest of my life.
I came from the BlogFest 2010 event.
ReplyDeleteLooks like an interesting read :)
Cherry Mischievous
Love your header! I grabbed your button too!
ReplyDeleteLuckily both my friends and family have not been touched by the curse of addiction.[@]gmail[.]com
My addiction is food, so I struggle with my weight :(
ReplyDeletetiffanyniekro at gmail dot com
I'm a nurse so I see people everyday that are addicted to one thing or another. Love the book you are giving away!
ReplyDeleteA close friend of mine had a alcohol addiction. But he's been sober now for 1 year.
ReplyDeleteYes, I know several people struggling with several types of addiction from food to smoking to drugs to alcohol, to bad relationships and beyond. Everyone has their own demons.
ReplyDeleteI haven't known anyone with admitted adictions very well . . . just people I've known a little bit.
ReplyDeleteI think we all know at least someone.
ReplyDeleteMy friends and i have read all of Ellen Hopkins books. They speak to all of us considering we all know people with similar problems and addictions.
ReplyDeleteMy mom struggles with her own alcholic addictions and somehow that has distanced us over the years.
My friends and I are actually starting a fanfest at our local Borders for this book! Although none of us have it yet.. so winning this would be great :)
I can't think of anyone I personally know with an addiction.
ReplyDeletebmweida at yahoo dot com
I don't personally know anyone with an addiction problem, but with Ellen's writing, it feels like I know the characters and what they're going through.