Monday, September 6, 2010

Blog News

Blog News

I have several important bits of news to announce today. 

1.  I would like to announce my two August contest winners.  The winner of the Little House Guidebook is Holly from 2kidsandtiredbooks and the winner of the Laura Swag (bookmarks and postcards) is Pam from 100booksin100weeks. Congrats to both winners.  The goods are in the mail and you should receive them this week.  Enjoy!

2.  Something I am super excited about it BlogFest and it is coming up this weekend!  I am giving away a copy of FALLOUT by Ellen Hopkins so make sure you stop by and enter to win it.  

3.  Book Blogger Appreciation week is coming up and I am interviewing Carina from Reading Through Life.  Carina is a teacher and she lives in Toronto.  She has a really great blog so look for my interview post on September 14th.

4.  Yesterday I created a fan page on Facebook for Booksnob's blog.  So please stop by, check it out and hit the like button if your a fan. 

5.  I also joined Networked Blogs on Facebook and while I am new to this venue, I am excited about branching out my follower base.  As you can see, my only follower is me, myself and I, but you have to start somewhere. 

That's all folks!  Happy Labor Day!