Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Moby Dick Read-a-long

Moby Dick Read-a-long 2010

Have you ever wanted to read the Great American Novel, Moby Dick? Well here is your chance. I am starting a read-a-long this month. The book is a little over 600 pages long. So I propose to read 100 pages a week for six weeks and accomplish the great feat of reading Moby Dick in its entirety. I am hoping to start reading around the week of June 14th or June 21st.

Here what inspired this reading adventure for me. Number one, I read Ahab's Wife two summers ago (700 pages) by Sena Jeter Naslund and loved every single word. It is such a beautiful book about Captain Ahab and his wife. Second, It is in the book, 1001 BOOKS TO READ BEFORE YOU DIE and I am busy trying to read the books on this list with a friend of mine and we agreed to read it. Third, I am intimidated by this book and so when I finish reading this book I plan to purchase myself a lovely T-Shirt from a store called OUT OF PRINT. I really, really want this T-shirt.

Look for future posts with a graphic and link. Mark your calenders for a June 15th or June 21st start date and get a copy of Moby Dick. I can't wait to take us all on a reading journey with Captain Ahab.