Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Reading

School is out for the summer and I have a list of books I am longing to read. As a teacher I long for June and the relaxation of summer. There are no papers to grade, no lessons to plan, no textbooks to read, no students to teach well unless you count my own children. So I have been compliling my summer TBR (to be read) list with great anticpation.

These are the books I plan to read this summer.
Pope Joan
Moby Dick
Superparenting for ADD
New Moon
Thirteen Reasons Why
The 19th Wife
Every Last One
The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society
Looking Glass Wars
Away Laughing on a Fast Camel

I may change my mind about some of these books because I have two gift cards to big bookstores in the area and my birthday is in two weeks. Who knows what books will demand to be read and which books will be content to sit on the shelf for awhile. Don't you just love how your TBR pile changes week to week.

I think tomorrow I will spend my first day off reading on the porch swing on my deck. Did I tell you my own children are still in school for two more days and my husband is out of town. It is absolute bliss to find TWO DAYS (8 hours per day really) of freedom. I am definitely spending part of my day reading!