Tuesday, June 15, 2010



Here are a few things I am really excited about and I wanted to share them.

1. I received two blogging awards in the last 7 days and it really makes me smile that people want to read what I have to say and find my blog special. The Sunshine award come from Lisa at Bibliophilia and the Versatile Blogger award comes from Mel at Mel's books and info. I will put my awards in the side bar and if you click on them they will take you to their blog sites. Thanks So Much!

2. George O'Connor the graphic novelist who wrote Zeus and Athena e-mailed me yesterday and sent me and my son a copy of a page in his new book, HERA. What an honor.

3. Over the weekend I gained 5 new followers and so I want to welcome them and announce that because I have 25 followers I am going to have my first contest. I am really excited about this and haven't decided what to give away yet.

4. I just ordered business cards for my blog. They look so cool and I can't wait to get them and hand them out. People have asked me if I have business cards and now I do!

5. Lastly, I started reading Moby Dick today. Yahoooooo!!