Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Centuries of June by Keith Donohue

Centuries of June by Keith Donohue

You got time for a story?
Centuries of June is a novel that takes place during the wonderful, sensual month of June.  My favorite month of the year.   In the middle of a hot June night, a man got up to go to the bathroom and was hit from behind with an object.  He fell to the floor and thereby tries to figure out what happened.

In his house are seven scorned women with a plan for revenge.  Each of these women has a story and our victim must listen to their tales of adventure and woe.  Each woman has been hurt by a man in the month of June.  Every story is unique and entertaining and keeps your mind working to figure out how all the pieces fit together.   While these women and stories are told in sequential order (sort of), the novel takes place over hundreds of years in history.

Now add to the mixture of the house, an eighth and silent women, a talking cat, a strange man in the bathroom who is vaguely familiar and a baby boy that appears quite strangely out of nowhere and you've got one crazy, wild ride of a story.  Throw in a few ghosts, some reincarnation, singing, dancing, films, tattoos, baseball and possibly murder.  Fasten your seat belts and hold on, something strange is going on here.

This novel is a mixture of genres and reminded me of so many great books that I have read.  You can tell the author is well read and he plays with important works of literature and important events in history.  I was reminded of Alice in Wonderland, Moby Dick, Scott Pilgrim (OK, maybe not great literature but really fun to read) and many more. 

You got time for a story?
I've got nothing but time, though I'd feel a little bit better if you would point that piece in another direction. (pg. 283)

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