Thursday, June 30, 2011

June Author in the Spotlight Wrap Up and Giveaway

My Flag Grew Stars Giveaway Ends Today at Midnight.

June - Author in the Spotlight Wrap-Up.
June is coming to an end.  I would like to highlight Hometown Track Minnesota Author in the Spotlight, Kitty Gogins.

Today is the last day to enter the contest to win one of one personalized copy of My Flag Grew Stars.  The contest ends at midnight tonight.  The contest is open to people living in the U.S. or Canada that are current Booksnob followers.  Good Luck and as always thanks for following Booksnob!

Click here to enter: My Flag Grew Stars Contest

Please check out my book review of My Flag Grew Stars.  This historical story highlights Kitty's parents journey from World War II as refugees to American citizens.  This non-fiction book reads just like a novel.  Highly unique and enjoyable.

My Flag Grew Stars Book Review

Check out the author interview with Kitty Gogins.  Her interview highlights how she came to write down her parents story, advice to readers and writers who want to record their family's story as well as a Hungarian recipe.

Kitty Gogins Author Interview

Kitty wrote a guest post on refugees in the world and it relates to her book because her mother and father were refugees at one time and her mother worked for an organization here in Minnesota that brought many refugees safely into the United States. Read Kitty's post to learn more.

Kitty Gogins Guest Post

I really enjoyed working with author, Kitty Gogins.  I would like to thank Kitty for being June's Minnesota Author in the Spotlight.  Please support this emerging author by reading her book My Flag Grew Stars.