Saturday, June 4, 2011

Annoucing "ROOTS" Read-A-Long


Hey Everyone,

This summer Booksnob Wannabe and I are hosting a Read-A-Long of the classic book ROOTS by Alex Haley.  The Read-A-Long will start June 13th officially but you can start any time you like. 
The plan is to read about 100 pages a week for 9 weeks.  Booksnob Wannbe and I plan to post our weekly reviews on Monday.  You can post or comment any time during the week.  Please comment if you want to join the Read-A-Long, we would love to have you join in.  If you have a blog please grab the button and check out Booksnob Wannabe's blog.  Then announce it on your blog. 

I am so excited to read this book, it has been on my to-read list for a long time. 
This is the true story of Alex Haley and his journey to discover his roots.  He traces his heritage back to Africa when his ancestor, Kunte Kinte, was kidnapped as a slave and brought through the Middle Passage to the United States in the  1700's.  The book takes the reader through many generations of his family.  Roots was hailed as a masterpiece when it was released in the 1970's, won the Pulitizer Prize and a mini-series was created for television on the book.  I have never watched the television mini-series, but I will as soon as I finish the book at the end of the summer as my reward.

Here is the synopsis from Goodreads:
This "bold . . . extraordinary . . . blockbuster . . ." (Newsweek) begins with a birth in 1750, in an African village; it ends seven generations later at the Arkansas funeral of a black professor whose children are a teacher, a Navy architect, an assistant director of the U.S. Information Agency, and an author. The author is Alex Haley.

I hope you can join us for a great read this summer.  It will be a summer to remember, a summer of ROOTS!