Friday, July 30, 2010

Northhanger Abbey Readalong week #2

Northhanger Abbey Readalong week #2

Pages read 64-120
Chapters read 10-15

I am really enjoying reading this book and am embracing all things Jane Austen lately. I am definitely on Team Tilney and can't wait till Catherine pushes Mr. Thorpe, (pompous ass) out of the door.

Here is what happened this week. Catherine befriends Eleanor Tilney, Henry's sister, and meets their father who seems to approve of their relationship so far. All three go on a walk and it is most enjoyable for the reader as they talk about novels, history, landscape painting and women. My favorite quote of this chapter (14) is one is which she talks about teaching: "you would allow that to torment and to instruct might sometimes be used as synonimous words." I thought this particularly funny as I am a history teacher and my students would most definitely agree with this sentiment sometimes. Ha, Ha.

Other important news was imparted when Isabelle became engaged to Catherine's brother, James. He ran home to get parental permission to marry Isabelle as she sat at home anxiety ridden that they would not approve. Most interesting, though is when Isabelle's pompous brother is prodding Catherine's feelings and determines most incorrectly, that she is his girlfriend and Catherine has no idea of it. She is so naive and he is so conceited. What a mismatch. Oh my, I feel like I am starting to think in Old English, Austen style.

So they drama continues next week as I read Chapters 16-23. I hope you can join along with me and the many others participating in this readalong. Check out Reading with Tequila's blog post for more updates and her opinion on the particulars in Catherine's life.