Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hometown Track- A New Meme

Hometown Track is a new meme hosted by me, Booksnob, and I am excited to introduce it to you and hope you will be enticed to participate.

Here is how it works.
1. Grab the button and link it back to Booksnob and this post.

2. Highlight one author from your hometown, state, or country once per month.

3. On the first or second day of the month, announce your author of the month with a list of published books, a link to their web page, and a short biography. You can also talk about why you choose them, highlight their house, historical site, college, bookstore, anything unique about them, etc.

4. Read and review one of the author's books during the month.

5. If you can, try and offer a contest related to the author or their books. You may want to contact the author/publisher to see if they will donate anything to you.

6. Have fun and be creative!

This is the button for Minnesota bloggers, if you use it please link it to my blog and/or this post. If you would like to get your state or country put on this button, please let me know. The cost is minimal.