This is my first author interview and I am excited to share it with you. I enlisted my kids and my family to help me write the questions. It made the kids feel really powerful and I think they came up with some great questions. After each question I will tell you who suggested it and their age if they are under the age of eighteen. The questions with no name behind it are mine. I hope you enjoy this interview. Emma is a wonderful author to work with and I am looking forward to reading her book and passing it along to my kids.
Hi Emma,
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Well, I live in the state of Washington on a small island with my small Chihuahua. I love this state and the surrounding area and it provides me with so much of the inspiration I use within my books. One of the best things about this state is that it rains for most of the year, providing me an excellent opportunity to write! I have loved writing since I was very young and it is my hope to inspire others through my writing. I hope that my books will one day make the "New York Times Bestsellers List" and I intend to work very hard to make my goals come true!
2. What is your favorite color? (My son, Max, age 12)
Pink! Maybe that makes me a girlie girl, but I really love pink or shades like black, white and gray.
3. Tell us in one sentence what your book is about?
It is about the bond between two people, David and Destiny, as they face off against a trap that has been lying in wait for almost fifty years.
4. How did you decide on the title for your book?
The title is very sigificant to the story. It is based on the concept of the clock and what happens to both David and Destiny.
5. What is so significant about the number 13?
Throughout history, the number "13" has meant different things around the world. For some, it is a number that represents ill-luck and evil. For others, it is a number of power that bridges the divides between worlds. For me, the true significance of the number will be found within the book and I hope everyone will enjoy discovering the truth about "The Thirteenth Chime".
6. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what book would you choose and why? (Max, age 12)
Only one book? Oh my goodness, that would be such a nightmare if I was stuck reading only one book! I would imagine I would read the bible. It's not necessarily about religion, but rather it is filled with wonderful stories that each have a point and a moral. Even atheists admit they find things of merit within the book. So for me, if I truly must be confined to a single book, it would be that one. Especially since I would want it to be a very thought provoking one.
7. What was your favorite book when you were a child and why? (My nephew, Devin, age 8)
"In the Hand of the Goddess" by Tamora Pierce. It still remains my favorite to this day! It was the first Young Adult novel I had ever truly read and it just awakened a part of me that lead to reading hundreds more Young Adult novels and now writing Yound Adult novels!
8. What inspired you to write THE THIRTEENTH CHIME? (My niece, Jasmine, age 13)
Actually, I had a number of really great inspirations. The bond between David and Destiny is something very important to me and I wanted to share it with other readers. Through a bond, you can take part in the journey of two characters in a way that goes beyond reading a sentence. You can feel their emotions - their joys, fears and triumphs. For the clock, the inspiration happened one night during a major storm we were having out on the island where I live. We had lost the power and we were over at our neighbors sharing a few candles. Suddenly, the huge grandfather clock they have began to strike ten and the sound echoed throughout the house as thunder flashed outside. I knew then it was an experience I wanted to share with others.
9. What was your favorite experience in writing THE THIRTEENTH CHIME? (My daughter, Georgia, age 9)
The bickering between the characters *laughs* They are so human in the book it is easy to forget they are only characters. I hope others will enjoy the discourse between the characters as much as I have. Especially their humor.
10. Who is your favorite character in THE THIRTEENTH CHIME? Is this character modeled after anyone?
I think my favorite character is Stephanie. No, I don't feel that she is modeled after anyone, but there are a number of characteristics about her that I identify with, particular her heart and spirit. I believe that many readers will really love her character. I won't say too much more about her so I don't give anything away... *wink*
11. Do you plan on writing more books? Will this book be part of a series? (my nephew, Damian, age 10)
Yes! I do plan on writing more books. Although I can't share too much about the "A Sense of Truth" series, I can promise that readers will not be disappointed if they want more!
12. Do you have a new book already started? Could you share something about it?
Unfortunately, I can't share too much, but yes, I do have several projects that are standing by for the final phase. I can't tell you too much about "A Sense of Truth" books, but I can share a small hint - readers who love owls should be excited for my future series!
13. If you had to write the book over again, would you change anything about your experience? (My Mom)
Not a single thing. I wouldn't even change submitting to as many agents as I did (even though I received well over a hundred standard form rejections without anyone even asking to read a sample of my work) as it was a learning experience and it helped me to take the bold new step of submitting directly to publishers which was amazing. I had such positive feedback suddenly and feeling both the highs and the lows made the journey even more worth every step I have taken.
14. Tell us in one sentence why we should read your book?
Because it is a journey, filled with wonder, suspense and the hearts of two very unique people, that I would love to share with others.
Thanks for having me, you and your family really did pick great questions. It was a pleasure to answer them and I hope you all will enjoy The Thirteenth Chime!
Thanks so much Emma, for letting me interview you.
Laura (Booksnob)

Thank you for the interview! I love your questions!!!
Emma Michaels