Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dear Teacher/Love Teacher

Dear Teacher/Love Teacher

Dear Teacher, You change the world one sticky note, one scrap of paper, one note card and one heart at a time!  You are awesome! Love, Teacher

Dear Teacher is a new blog that I read everyday because it inspires me to be a better teacher and person.  Dear Teacher is on a two week break and she asked me to write a guest post or be her "Substitute teacher" on her blog for a day.  Today is the day!  I am so excited and thrilled to be a part of this amazing blog if only for a day and it is my first writing experience as a guest poster.

My guest post is on ways to chill, relax and rejuvenate over the summer so you can go back to school refreshed and ready to be a awesome teacher.  I know you are wondering if I included reading on this post and the answer is, Of Course, I did.  Go check out some of the books on my summer reading list.

Please go read my guest post and check out the amazing Dear Teacher blog at

Let me know what you think.
Oh and please pass this on to all the teachers you know out there that need a little pick me up.
Have a wonderful, awesome, thoughtful, super, relaxing day!!