Friday, March 30, 2012

Where Are You Reading Challenge Update

March Update:  Where are you Reading Challenge?  Challenge 2012

March is Women's history month and I celebrated by reading great books written by women.  I read 7 books this month and 6 were written by women.  Yay to women writers.  Keep the good books coming ladies.

The Where are you Reading? challenge is starting to be fun and I am reading more purposefully.  I find myself looking to read about places on the map that I haven't read about yet this year.  I only wish that books put location information on the back with the book blurb but alas most do not.  So in some books, I am left to guess where the book takes place.  In some cases I choose where the author lives but sometimes it doesn't not even tell you that.

So here is my reading progress.  I read 7 books this month and again have traveled a great distance in my mind.

Here are my books, review links and locations for February:
1.  March by Geraldine Brooks.  Takes place in Virginia, New England and Washington D.C.  Since the main character spends most of his time in Virginia, that is the state I chose for this book.

2.  Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol.  I have no idea where this book takes place and since the author lives in Oregon, that is the state I chose.

3.  A Partial History of Lost Causes by Jennifer Dubois.  Takes place in Russia.

4.  Purple Heart by Patricia McCormick.  Takes place in Iraq.

5.  Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.  This dystopian novel takes place somewhere in the future in a place unknown.  The author is from California and that is the state I am choosing.

6.  A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan.  Takes place in New York and a few other places.

7.  The Long-Shining Waters by Danielle Sosin.  Takes place in Wisconsin, Michigan, Canada and Minnesota.  I chose Wisconsin because the main character is from there.

Check out my map on Google Maps.
View Where are you reading challenge 2012 in a larger map

So far I have traveled to four continents, nine states and eight countries.  I can't wait to see where my reading adventures take me in April. 
Where are you reading?