Thursday, March 1, 2012

March-Hometown Track Author in the Spotlight

March-Hometown Track Author in the Spotlight

Welcome to March and the start of Spring!  Many people are snow weary and ready for sunshine and warm air.  I'm totally looking forward to time by the lake and reading outside in the sun on my porch swing. 

March's author, Danielle Sosin, wrote a book called The Long-Shining Waters and it is up for the Minnesota Book Award in the Fiction category.  The ceremony is next month on April 14th.  Good Luck Danielle!

Here is the synopsis on The Long Shining Waters from Goodreads:

Lake Superior, the North Country, the great freshwater expanse. Frigid. Lethal. Wildly beautiful. "The Long-Shining Waters" presents three stories whose characters are separated by centuries and circumstance, yet connected across time by a shared geography.

This month you can expect a book review, a contest, an author interview and if we are lucky a guest post by Danielle.  I really love the cover of The Long-Shining Waters, it just reminds me of warm weather.  You can also expect Spring, St. Patrick's Day, Spring Break and lots of good book reviews from Booksnob.  Enjoy the month of March.