Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Discovery of Witches Contest

 A Discovery of Witches Contest

Today is my anniversary of being a book blogger.  I have been blogging for two years now and continue to love it.  It has changed my life for the better and I treasure all the friendships I have made with fellow bloggers and have enjoyed working with multiple authors.  Book Blogging is such a great experience.  I only wish I could make a living doing it.

In honor of my 2 year blogging anniversary, I have a signed copy of A Discovery of Witches to giveaway to one my followers.  I had the chance to hear Deborah Harkness speak a couple of weeks ago and as I have not read her book yet, I found the talk really fascinating.

Deborah states the book began entirely by accident while she thought about the question "If you were a vampire, what would you do for a living?"  She is a Historian of Science and specializes in the 16 century.  She is currently teaching college in California as well as writing books.  Deborah says her goal is to write one to two pages a day which takes her about two hours and if she accomplishes this, it is a good day.  She states that writing fiction is a form of alchemy.

Deborah Harkness describes her book as a fairy tale for grownups.  She states A Discovery of Witches is a love letter to books, libraries and librarians.  She has also included little treasure hunts for the discerning reader, eggs of knowledge to seek and find.  A Discovery of Witches is the first book in a trilogy and has already been optioned for a movie.  I can hardly wait to read it, what about you?

Contest Rules:
1.  Leave a comment
2.  Fill out the form
3.  Open internationally
4.  Must be a BookSnob follower

Contest Ends 2/29
Good Luck!  Spread the Word.