Monday, August 8, 2011

Roots by Alex Haley. Week #8 of the summer Read-A-Long

Roots by Alex Haley.
Read-A-Long Week #8

Pages Read:  703 - 799
Chapters Read: 102 - 109

Note:  I am reading ROOTS in honor of my former student Quincy Blue who was recently found murdered, his body burned beyond recognition, in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

There is only 100 pages left to read in this book and I know I am going to really miss this family, whom I have spent my summer reading about.

  This week there is another major turning point in the book.  Chicken George and Massa Lea go to a huge chicken fight at Massa Jewitt's plantation where a Englishman has brought his game fighting cocks for the biggest competition in about 50 years.  Both George and the Massa take most of their life savings to this fight and Massa Lea is goaded into betting an absurd amount of money he doesn't have.  He loses.  Everyone loses. Chicken George is forced to go to England as part of Massa Lea's debt and train cocks there for two years, which turns into 5.   As a small consideration, Master Lea writes George his note of freedom which he will receive when he gets back from England.

Meanwhile, the Master has nothing left and needs to pay  his bills so he sells off George's family to Massa Murray.  Grandmother Kizzy is not included in the sale and never sees her son or grandchildren again.

Chicken George arrives home from England to find the Lea's place in disarray, his family sold, the Master drunk and over 80, Pompey, Sister Sarah and his mother dead as well as Missus Lea.  Miss Malizy is losing her mind and her and the Master barely  have any food to eat.   Chicken George steals his freedom papers and goes to find his family. 

Mostly, they live a good existence on the Murray plantation.  Tom is the blacksmith and marries Irene who is expecting a child.  Almost all of George's children are married.  The telegraph line and the railroads are coming to North Carolina. Hotels are being built. The tensions between the South and the Northern abolitionists are rising and Lincoln is soon to be president.
The Civil War is coming.

I can't wait to read the conclusion.

The year is 1859
Location:  North Carolina
Kunta is dead
Kizzy is dead
Chicken George is about 54
Tom is about 26

These are the bloggers/readers participating in the Read-A-Long.  Please visit them and comment.  Also if you are participating and want to be included on this list, please comment and I will add a link to your blog.
Thanks everyone for participating.

1.  Bre from Booksnob Wannabe
2.  Sherrie from Just Books
3.  Laurie from Whatsheread