Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hometown Track- MN Author Spotlight #13

Hometown Track- MN Author Spotlight #13

Happy August Everyone!!!  I just got back from my back packing trip on the Superior Hiking Trail and it was wonderful, although my muscles are screaming and I have tons of mosquito/fly bites, I am happy with our experience.  My son tried wild blueberries and gooseberries for the first time.  We saw a beaver chewed tree still standing and swam in a waterfall whirlpool and slept on Blueberry Hill.  It was a great trip and I am glad to be home sleeping in a bed.

Now on to the Hometown Track Minnesota Author in the Spotlight announcement.  I am pleased to announce that Kamala Nair is the Minnesota Author in the Spotlight.  Kamala grew up in Minnesota and her young adult novel The Girl in the Garden is partially set in Minnesota. 

This month you can expect a guest post, an author interview, hopefully a contest and a re-posting of my book review. 

I hope you have a great August and check back often.