Sunday, August 29, 2010


Huck.  The Remarkable True Story of How One Lost Puppy Taught a Family and a Whole Town About Hope and Happy Endings by Janet Elder

I have recently become a dog owner and as a result of that, I am finding myself drawn to books with animals.  Having a animal in your life as a pet is a transforming experience and so I was drawn to this book and Janet Elder's experience.

This book is about an adorable, darling, apricot, toy poodle named Huck.  Elder's son Michael had always wanted a dog and was an animal lover since birth.  The author made the decision to get her son a dog when she got the life altering diagnosis of breast cancer.  After all of Janet's chemo and radiation treatments and in honor of Michael's 12th birthday, Huck was adopted and became a valued member of their family. 

The family decides to take a much needed vacation and they leave Huck with Janet's sister in New Jersey.  The Elder's live in a apartment in New York.  Poodles are great dogs and are also fast runners and good escape artists.  I should know as I had a poodle growing up, who jumped out of fast moving cars, and broke through every safety gate and fence we owned.  So it comes as no surprise that Huck escapes and is lost in a unknown town.  What ensues is a community wide search for a beloved pet.

This book was endearing and made me glad that my current dog stays close to my side.  It is a fast read, and a hopeful story.  While the book was mainly about the dog, I wanted more information about Janet and her struggle with breast cancer.  As I read this book, I drew some parallels to my own life.  My son (like Michael in the book) is also twelve, we just adopted a dog, so now I am thinking I better go get a mammogram just for peace of mind.

Huck is available to purchase on September 28, 2010
Check out Janet Elder's blog/website at
I think it would make a great movie.
I received this book from Crazy Book Tours

I am going to leave you with a picture of my adorable dog.  His name is Titus and he is part German Shepherd, part black Lab.  He is just 3 years old.