Monday, August 2, 2010

Hometown Track- MN Author Spotlight #1

Hometown Track- MN Author Spotlight #1

Drum roll please......
Laura Ingalls Wilder is the MN Author spotlighted for the month of August, 2010.

I chose Laura Ingalls Wilder for several reasons. One, I am reading currently reading Little House in the Big Woods to my daughter, two, I am going to visit two of her houses this month including her birthplace in Pepin, Wisconsin and I am so excited about it (call me nerdy) and three, my name is also Laura so it is only fitting to start my new meme with an author that has the same first name as me.

So watch my blog for more posts, book reviews, a contest and of course pictures of my journey to two of Laura's houses.

Question: Have any of you been to one of Laura Ingalls Wilder's historic homes or sites? Do you have any ideas about what I should give away in the Contest this month?