Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hometown Track- MN Author Spotlight #1

 Laura Ingalls Wilder Author Spotlight Wrap-Up:
August ends today and so do TWO contests related to the Hometown Track Author Spotlight on Laura Ingalls Wilder. 

Please feel free to enter one or both contests by making a comment here or clicking the contest posted on my sidebar. 

 Several of my posts this month reflected my journey to visit three of Laura's homes in three different states in the Midwest.  One trip led me to her birthplace in Pepin, Wisconsin, another trip led me to Spring Valley, MN where Laura lived for a short time with the Wilder family.  I visited the Methodist church she attended there.  We then visited Burr Oak, Iowa where Laura's family helped run The Master's Hotel and where Grace was born.  All in all it was a wonderful journey with my children and a fulfilled childhood dream.

One review was posted on Laura Ingalls Wilder first published book titled Little House in the Big Woods which I read aloud to my daughter.   I offered two contests related to Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Personally, I am glad I created and participated in this meme.  I am going to continue with my monthly Hometown Track Author Spotlight and I have already lined up two authors to feature for September and October so stay tuned for tomorrow's announcement of who is in the Spotlight and what contest will be offered next month.  I am super excited!

I would love to know your thoughts about the Hometown Track meme and if you liked it or not and if you have any suggestions. I believe each month will be unique due the style of the author.