Monday, February 28, 2011

EVE contest ends today at Midnight!

The contest for EVE ends today!

Today is the last day to enter the contest to win one of three personalized copies of Eve.  The contest ends at midnight tonight.  The contest is open to U.S. residents and Booksnob followers.  Good Luck and as always thanks for following Booksnob!

Click here to enter:  Eve contest

Please check out my book review of Eve.  I loved this story and want everyone to read it.
Eve Book Review

Elissa Elliott wrote an excellent guest post.  Thanks Elissa!!

Elissa Elliott Guest Post

You can check out my interview of Elissa as well.  I asked her some questions that I hoped everyone can relate to. 

Elissa Elliott Author Interview

I really enjoyed working with Elissa.  I would like to thank Elissa for being February's Minnesota Author in the Spotlight.  Please support this emerging and up and coming author by reading her book and checking out her website at