Saturday, February 26, 2011


Eve by Elissa Elliott

Everyone knows the timeless story of Adam and Eve and the tragic story of their children Cain and Abel.

Get ready to re-imagine and gain a new perspective. 

Eve is an old story told with a creative twist where ancient history and Jewish traditions are woven into the story and the readers learn of what everyday life is like outside of the Garden of Eden.   Elliott's book is told from Eve's perspective on what happened that fateful day in Biblical history and Eve's story interweaves with the stories of her three daughters, Naava, Aya and Dara. 

The Prologue starts with a quote that is instrumental to the story.  "Belief is not always easy.  Even when you have seen and heard the thing you are supposed to believe in".(pg.1)  As a reader and a believer you should seek to understand Eve's story, not blame her for the outcome of events.  Eve is a beautiful, sensual woman who strives to be wise and wants to be loved.  Her fateful choice leads her on a journey of pain and suffering combined with joy and wisdom.  Her family's saga combined with their spiritual choices will keep you turning the pages long into the night.  I could not put it down.

I love books that make me think and add new dimensions to my way of thinking about an event in time.  Every story is multi-dimensional and yet the story in Genesis is told as a one-sided account.  Is the woman's perspective on what happened in the Garden of Eden purposely excluded?  I love that Elliott chose to give Eve and her daughters a voice in Biblical times and that she placed the story in Mesopotamia where the first cities and civilizations are known to emerge.  As a woman, I could relate to Eve on many levels.

This is an excellent book to read with a book club or a Bible study group.  I think there are many questions left unanswered and different scenarios to debate.  As a spiritual being, I found lots to reflect on and am reminded on how much Biblical stories are meant to teach. 

Eve is a timeless gem that will tempt you to read to the sweet and bitter end.  Enjoy this sweet red apple of a book if you dare!