May Author in the Spotlight Wrap-Up + Giveaway
This Isn't Normal giveaway ends tonight at Midnight. Hurry and enter.
May is coming to a close and school is ending across the nation. Seniors head off to graduate and start their lives and summer vacation is beginning for a lot of people, me included. Only 3 days left of school for me this year. Yippee.
So as May ends we say goodbye to M.R. Tain, May's Minnesota Author in the Spotlight, and his YA novel This Isn't Normal.
Today is the last day to enter to win This Isn't Normal. Time is up at midnight. Click here to enter: This Isn't Normal Giveaway.
Next check out my book review of This Isn't Normal. This Isn't Normal is a unique book that would appeal to adults as well as teens, especially adults that lived through the 1960's. It is well-written, entertaining and fun. At it's heart This Isn't Normal is a Christian based book.
This Isn't Normal Book Review
Then check out my author interview of M.R. Tain. Find out what books inspire him and how he became a writer. Also he talks about his 2nd book, Peace, Man and his 3rd novel in the works.
Author Interview of M.R. Tain
Please read M.R. Tain's Guest post. It is short and sweet and all about how he got the idea for This Isn't Normal. Three things inspired This Isn't Normal, find out about it on the guest post.
M.R. Tain Guest Post
It has been a pleasure to work with M.R. Tain this month and I would like to thank him for being May's Minnesota Author in the Spotlight. I met M.R. Tain at the Twin Cities Book Festival in October when I walked by his table and noticed his book. Funny thing is, we learned his wife is a graduate of the school I teach at and then last month we discovered through Facebook that he has been friends with one of my cousins for over 20 years. We are all connected somehow.
Please visit M.R. Tain's website and read his books @
Friday, May 31, 2013
May Author in the Spotlight Wrap-Up + Giveaway
Hometown Track author spotlight meme
Thursday, May 30, 2013
This Isn't Normal by M.R. Tain
This Isn't Normal by M.R. Tain
Karla travels back in time to 1965 on the evening after of her great-grandmother's death. She falls asleep at her great-grandmother's house and wakes up a house guest of the grandmother she never knew, Cheryl. Cheryl and Karla are both 16, juniors in the same high school, though 40 years separate them. Karla and Cheryl become fast friends and realize how similar they are, they even look alike.
Karla spends a week in 1965 and it changes her life as she knows it. She attends a dance, listens to music on a turn table, watches TV on a black and white television set, goes to a dance, a football game, and has a date. Karla and Cheryl talk and talk and talk which gets Karla to thinking that there are a lot of things she likes about 1965.
Fast forward to 2005 and Karla is reevaluating her life. She wants to be just like Cheryl and begins to make small changes in her daily life. She becomes friends with her grandpa, Cheryl's widowed husband, starts listening to the oldies station, she starts going to church and making new friends. Karla transforms herself in a strong young woman.
The best part of This Isn't Normal for me was Karla's transformation. Tain does an excellent job of taking a typical teenage girl and transforming her into a thoughtful, Christian young woman. Tain captures the year of 1965 and the whole experience of Karla's time travel is very believable. Tain creates a snapshot of two different years 1965 and 2005, existing 40 years apart and juxtaposes the two different time frames extremely well. It was quite fascinating.
This Isn't Normal is a unique book that would appeal to adults as well as teens, especially adults that lived through the 1960's. It is well-written, entertaining and fun. At it's heart This Isn't Normal is a Christian based book. Relationships are important to teens and it is hard to know when to end a relationship or start one. This Isn't Normal is a homage to teens and the problems they encounter today and how to overcome those issues with help. I think Tain is ultimately saying that God gives us free
will to choose our own path so choose wisely and live happily.
Karla travels back in time to 1965 on the evening after of her great-grandmother's death. She falls asleep at her great-grandmother's house and wakes up a house guest of the grandmother she never knew, Cheryl. Cheryl and Karla are both 16, juniors in the same high school, though 40 years separate them. Karla and Cheryl become fast friends and realize how similar they are, they even look alike.
Karla spends a week in 1965 and it changes her life as she knows it. She attends a dance, listens to music on a turn table, watches TV on a black and white television set, goes to a dance, a football game, and has a date. Karla and Cheryl talk and talk and talk which gets Karla to thinking that there are a lot of things she likes about 1965.
Fast forward to 2005 and Karla is reevaluating her life. She wants to be just like Cheryl and begins to make small changes in her daily life. She becomes friends with her grandpa, Cheryl's widowed husband, starts listening to the oldies station, she starts going to church and making new friends. Karla transforms herself in a strong young woman.
The best part of This Isn't Normal for me was Karla's transformation. Tain does an excellent job of taking a typical teenage girl and transforming her into a thoughtful, Christian young woman. Tain captures the year of 1965 and the whole experience of Karla's time travel is very believable. Tain creates a snapshot of two different years 1965 and 2005, existing 40 years apart and juxtaposes the two different time frames extremely well. It was quite fascinating.
This Isn't Normal is a unique book that would appeal to adults as well as teens, especially adults that lived through the 1960's. It is well-written, entertaining and fun. At it's heart This Isn't Normal is a Christian based book. Relationships are important to teens and it is hard to know when to end a relationship or start one. This Isn't Normal is a homage to teens and the problems they encounter today and how to overcome those issues with help. I think Tain is ultimately saying that God gives us free
will to choose our own path so choose wisely and live happily.
Historical Fiction,
Hometown Track author spotlight meme,
MN author,
Young Adult
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
The History of Love has actually been on my bookshelf for seven years and I never picked it up to read until now. Sure I looked at it, flipped through the pages, considered reading it but something else was always more important to read at the time. The History of Love could wait and did wait for seven years to be read. It was worth the wait. It was beautiful, wonderful and such a pleasurable reading experience. I'm so glad Lisa picked it to read for our Book Club. If she didn't, it might still be sitting on my shelf, waiting. Waiting, no longer.
Leo Gursky is afraid of becoming invisible and so everyday he makes sure he does something so that he will be seen. He drops something, he falls down, he buys something he doesn't need. Leo goes out of his way to be seen. He pushes the limits and goes so far as to become a nude model for an art class. He is a writer. He is a father. He is a lover. He is Jewish. He is Polish. He is the oldest man in the world. He is forgotten. He lives alone. No one loves him. He is invisible. He is a survivor.
And for that reason you must read the first sentence (or two, or three) of The History of Love.
"When they write my obituary. Tomorrow. Or the next day. It will say, LEO GURSKY IS SURVIVED BY AN APARTMENT FULL OF SHIT." pg.3. Leo's voice jumps off the page and you are immediately drawn into a story that will make you fall in love with the characters and the absolute genius of a storyline.
It is also the book Alma's mother is translating into English. Alma Singer was named after Alma, who is the main character in The History of Love. Alma's father fell in love with the book The History of Love and kept a special copy which he inscribed to her mother. Alma is sure The History of Love holds a secret to her past and her future. Maybe the Alma in The History of Love is a real person. Alma plans to find the real Alma.
When you read a book it is an intimate experience between you and the author. The author and the reader rarely meet in person but come together via a shared experience with a book full of wonderful words. The History of Love contains hidden gems for the reader within its pages, like wonderful quotes, smiles, sadness, memories and connections. Sometimes people have to show you the hidden gems for you to appreciate what you missed and it shows you that the book has deeper meaning then you previously thought. Krauss's character, Alma Singer, is named after a Polish-Jewish author, Isaac Bashevis Singer. Leo's best friend Bruno is named after Bruno Schulz, a Polish-Jewish author, artist and teacher who was killed by a German Nazi officer.
The History of Love has actually been on my bookshelf for seven years and I never picked it up to read until now. Sure I looked at it, flipped through the pages, considered reading it but something else was always more important to read at the time. The History of Love could wait and did wait for seven years to be read. It was worth the wait. It was beautiful, wonderful and such a pleasurable reading experience. I'm so glad Lisa picked it to read for our Book Club. If she didn't, it might still be sitting on my shelf, waiting. Waiting, no longer.
Leo Gursky is afraid of becoming invisible and so everyday he makes sure he does something so that he will be seen. He drops something, he falls down, he buys something he doesn't need. Leo goes out of his way to be seen. He pushes the limits and goes so far as to become a nude model for an art class. He is a writer. He is a father. He is a lover. He is Jewish. He is Polish. He is the oldest man in the world. He is forgotten. He lives alone. No one loves him. He is invisible. He is a survivor.
And for that reason you must read the first sentence (or two, or three) of The History of Love.
"When they write my obituary. Tomorrow. Or the next day. It will say, LEO GURSKY IS SURVIVED BY AN APARTMENT FULL OF SHIT." pg.3. Leo's voice jumps off the page and you are immediately drawn into a story that will make you fall in love with the characters and the absolute genius of a storyline.
It is also the book Alma's mother is translating into English. Alma Singer was named after Alma, who is the main character in The History of Love. Alma's father fell in love with the book The History of Love and kept a special copy which he inscribed to her mother. Alma is sure The History of Love holds a secret to her past and her future. Maybe the Alma in The History of Love is a real person. Alma plans to find the real Alma.
When you read a book it is an intimate experience between you and the author. The author and the reader rarely meet in person but come together via a shared experience with a book full of wonderful words. The History of Love contains hidden gems for the reader within its pages, like wonderful quotes, smiles, sadness, memories and connections. Sometimes people have to show you the hidden gems for you to appreciate what you missed and it shows you that the book has deeper meaning then you previously thought. Krauss's character, Alma Singer, is named after a Polish-Jewish author, Isaac Bashevis Singer. Leo's best friend Bruno is named after Bruno Schulz, a Polish-Jewish author, artist and teacher who was killed by a German Nazi officer.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
M.R. Tain Author Interview + Giveaway
M.R. Tain Author Interview + Giveaway
M.R. Tain is the May, Minnesota Author in the Spotlight here on Booksnob and his YA book, This Isn't Normal, is really introspective. I decided to ask M.R. Tain some questions about what inspires him and how he finds time to write as well as other important tidbits. Read on to find out more about M.R. and his books.
Welcome M.R. Tain,
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I was born in 1958, and grew up in a small town in Iowa. I attended grade school in the sixties, and junior high and high school in the seventies. I had two older brothers who attended high school in the sixties. I started writing puppet shows in the eighties, then some TV programs on public access TV (some of which involved puppets), and in 2005, I started writing for the Community Voices column in the Savage Pacer after noticing that I was writing an awful lot of letters to the editor. I figured I should have one chance to sound off every twelve weeks and keep quiet the rest of the time. It was also in 2005 that I decided to try writing a novel, which became “This isn’t Normal.”
2. What is the inspiration behind your story “This Isn’t Normal”?
I experienced culture shock when our sons told us what it was like in high school. I decided to write a story to build a bridge between generations. I chose my older brothers’ high school years because the difference between 1965 and 2005 was more pronounced than if I’d written about my own experience in the seventies.
3. Usually an author puts some of his own life experiences in the book. Did you do that? Do you have anything in common with your characters?
Absolutely! Karla’s grandfather is based on how I would have reacted to the circumstances around Karla’s life had I been in his shoes. Also, Dave Baker’s father, Joe Baker, is basically me. A story I attribute to the character of Paul Baker, “My Adventures in Outer Space,” is taken directly from an unpublished work I wrote just for my own amusement.
4. Why did you decide to become a writer?
Aside from the reasons I stated in question 2, my wife has always been a writer. She made writing interesting to me. I thought, “This is going to be a novel, a short story, or a total flop. I may as well try and see what happens.” We were both quite surprised when I published first.
5. Do you like to read? What are some of your favorite books and authors?
“Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams,
“This Present Darkness” and “Piercing the Darkness” by Frank Peretti,
C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy, “Out of the Silent Planet,” “Perelandra,” and “That Hideous Strength.”
“The Screwtape Letters” by C. S. Lewis.
6. What are some of the issues that you feel are integral to your book?
Issues involving love and sex; the relationship between the two, and the differences between them.
7. What is the most important lesson/idea you want readers to take away from This Isn’t Normal?
That teens and young adults should question the social norms that have been presented to them today. I present a contrast over the period of forty years and invite young people to evaluate for themselves, what they believe to be a “normal” lifestyle.
8. How do you carve time out of your busy day to write?
The best time to do it is when my day job gets slow. Other than that, I discipline myself to at least turn
on my computer and look at it nearly every day.
9. Tell us about your second book, Peace, Man?
“Peace, Man,” is a sequel of sorts to “This isn’t Normal.” It takes place two years later on a college campus. The protagonist is male, but Karla returns to play an important role in his story.
10. Are you currently working on a third novel? Can you tell us a little bit about it?
My third novel is currently called, “For the Children.” No characters experience time-travel this time, but the reader is conveyed to the year 2023. The story is about both protagonists from each of the first two books, and as the title suggests, involves the lives of their children.
11. Tell us in one sentence why we should read This Isn’t Normal?
The culture clash of time travel gets pretty amusing, and I believe it can broaden one’s understanding of other generations and their cultures.
Thanks Martin!
If you would like to win a copy of M.R. Tain's book This Isn't Normal please click here: This Isn't Normal Giveaway
M.R. Tain is the May, Minnesota Author in the Spotlight here on Booksnob and his YA book, This Isn't Normal, is really introspective. I decided to ask M.R. Tain some questions about what inspires him and how he finds time to write as well as other important tidbits. Read on to find out more about M.R. and his books.
Welcome M.R. Tain,
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I was born in 1958, and grew up in a small town in Iowa. I attended grade school in the sixties, and junior high and high school in the seventies. I had two older brothers who attended high school in the sixties. I started writing puppet shows in the eighties, then some TV programs on public access TV (some of which involved puppets), and in 2005, I started writing for the Community Voices column in the Savage Pacer after noticing that I was writing an awful lot of letters to the editor. I figured I should have one chance to sound off every twelve weeks and keep quiet the rest of the time. It was also in 2005 that I decided to try writing a novel, which became “This isn’t Normal.”
2. What is the inspiration behind your story “This Isn’t Normal”?
I experienced culture shock when our sons told us what it was like in high school. I decided to write a story to build a bridge between generations. I chose my older brothers’ high school years because the difference between 1965 and 2005 was more pronounced than if I’d written about my own experience in the seventies.
3. Usually an author puts some of his own life experiences in the book. Did you do that? Do you have anything in common with your characters?
Absolutely! Karla’s grandfather is based on how I would have reacted to the circumstances around Karla’s life had I been in his shoes. Also, Dave Baker’s father, Joe Baker, is basically me. A story I attribute to the character of Paul Baker, “My Adventures in Outer Space,” is taken directly from an unpublished work I wrote just for my own amusement.
4. Why did you decide to become a writer?
Aside from the reasons I stated in question 2, my wife has always been a writer. She made writing interesting to me. I thought, “This is going to be a novel, a short story, or a total flop. I may as well try and see what happens.” We were both quite surprised when I published first.
5. Do you like to read? What are some of your favorite books and authors?
“Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams,
“This Present Darkness” and “Piercing the Darkness” by Frank Peretti,
C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy, “Out of the Silent Planet,” “Perelandra,” and “That Hideous Strength.”
“The Screwtape Letters” by C. S. Lewis.
6. What are some of the issues that you feel are integral to your book?
Issues involving love and sex; the relationship between the two, and the differences between them.
7. What is the most important lesson/idea you want readers to take away from This Isn’t Normal?
That teens and young adults should question the social norms that have been presented to them today. I present a contrast over the period of forty years and invite young people to evaluate for themselves, what they believe to be a “normal” lifestyle.
8. How do you carve time out of your busy day to write?
The best time to do it is when my day job gets slow. Other than that, I discipline myself to at least turn
on my computer and look at it nearly every day.
9. Tell us about your second book, Peace, Man?
“Peace, Man,” is a sequel of sorts to “This isn’t Normal.” It takes place two years later on a college campus. The protagonist is male, but Karla returns to play an important role in his story.
10. Are you currently working on a third novel? Can you tell us a little bit about it?
My third novel is currently called, “For the Children.” No characters experience time-travel this time, but the reader is conveyed to the year 2023. The story is about both protagonists from each of the first two books, and as the title suggests, involves the lives of their children.
11. Tell us in one sentence why we should read This Isn’t Normal?
The culture clash of time travel gets pretty amusing, and I believe it can broaden one’s understanding of other generations and their cultures.
Thanks Martin!
If you would like to win a copy of M.R. Tain's book This Isn't Normal please click here: This Isn't Normal Giveaway
Author Interview,
Hometown Track author spotlight meme,
MN author
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! by Laura Amy Schlitz
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Medieval Village by Laura Amy Schlitz
Set in the year 1255, Good Master! Sweet Ladies!, takes a close look at the young people who lived and sustained a medieval village. There are 19 monologues and two dialogues which represent various voices and social strata in the community. The lord's nephew and daughter, the moneylender's son, the blacksmith's daughter, the plowboy, the runaway, the sniggler and more. After a set of monologues that intersect, there is a section called A Little Background where Schlitz shares the facts and history behind an aspect of the medieval village.
Laura Amy Schlitz wrote the series of plays in Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! for a class of students who were studying the Middle Ages. The verse is well written and can be performed, read aloud or read silently based on your preference. There are footnotes throughout the text to explain terms and the way of life 800 years ago.
This is an enjoyable book that creates a historical connection between then and now. We have changed a lot since the Middle Ages but then again, some things remain unchanged like classism. I have to say I read the book silently and learned a lot. I am a history teacher and had no idea what a sniggler was or a varlet. The book was entertaining, informative and quite a lot of fun to read.
I think it would be fun to read aloud with a class or even with my own children. Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! won the Newberry award in 2008. In my opinion this book is written more for educators and parents as it doesn't seem the type of book upper elementary kids are drawn to. I bought this book when it won the medal five years ago and neither of my kids were interested in it and they still haven't read it. That being said, I think Laura Amy Schlitz is an excellent writer and I expect she will create more great reading experiences for children and adults. Now if I can only get my kids to
read it.
Set in the year 1255, Good Master! Sweet Ladies!, takes a close look at the young people who lived and sustained a medieval village. There are 19 monologues and two dialogues which represent various voices and social strata in the community. The lord's nephew and daughter, the moneylender's son, the blacksmith's daughter, the plowboy, the runaway, the sniggler and more. After a set of monologues that intersect, there is a section called A Little Background where Schlitz shares the facts and history behind an aspect of the medieval village.
Laura Amy Schlitz wrote the series of plays in Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! for a class of students who were studying the Middle Ages. The verse is well written and can be performed, read aloud or read silently based on your preference. There are footnotes throughout the text to explain terms and the way of life 800 years ago.
This is an enjoyable book that creates a historical connection between then and now. We have changed a lot since the Middle Ages but then again, some things remain unchanged like classism. I have to say I read the book silently and learned a lot. I am a history teacher and had no idea what a sniggler was or a varlet. The book was entertaining, informative and quite a lot of fun to read.
I think it would be fun to read aloud with a class or even with my own children. Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! won the Newberry award in 2008. In my opinion this book is written more for educators and parents as it doesn't seem the type of book upper elementary kids are drawn to. I bought this book when it won the medal five years ago and neither of my kids were interested in it and they still haven't read it. That being said, I think Laura Amy Schlitz is an excellent writer and I expect she will create more great reading experiences for children and adults. Now if I can only get my kids to
read it.
Historical Fiction,
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
When Women Were Birds by Terry Tempest Williams
When Women Were Birds. Fifty-Four Variations on Voice by Terry Tempest Williams
Terry's mother told her, a week before she died, that she was leaving her all her journals. She had three shelves of journals in various prints and colors all stacked neatly in rows on the bookshelf. Her mother made her promise that she wouldn't look at them until she was gone. "In Mormon culture, women are expected to do two things: keep a journal and bear children." pg. 18. What Terry found after her mother died was a complete shock; every one of her mother's journals was blank.
The surprise and weight of the blank journals, requires many questions. Questions that will be asked but not have any answers, only contemplation.
Within When Women Were Birds, Terry Tempest Williams explores what is means to be a woman, a mother, a grandmother, a writer. She explores faith, the environment, the beauty of birds, marriage. Terry contemplate her voice, silence and the meaning of her mother's journals.
Terry Tempest Williams is a heartfelt storyteller. Here she takes the story of her mother and her blank journals and turns it into a beautiful, unique, powerful memoir that is hard to put in a category. When Women Were Birds is virtually a variegated prism of multiple hues, a treasure chest, a love story to women and voice.
This is the first book I have read written by Terry Tempest Williams and it won't be the last. My copy of When Women Were Birds is marked with rainbow color tabs because the book spoke to me on a deep level. It spoke to me as a woman, a mother and a writer. It was, in short, amazing. I could relate on so many different levels and thought constantly about the wonderful women and mother's in my life.
Let me share some of my favorite quotes:
"A pencil is a wand and a weapon. Be Careful. Protect yourself. It can be glorious." pg 39
"To be read. To be heard. To be seen. I want to be read, I want to be heard. I don't need to be seen. To write requires an ego, a belief that what you say matters." pg. 47
"There are two important days in a woman's life: the day she is born and the day she finds out why." pg. 209
Muriel Rukeyser asked the question "What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open."
The world is splitting open." Pg 100
"Reading has not only changed my life but saved it. The right books picked at the right times-especially the one that scares us, threatens to undermine all we have been told, the one that contains forbidden thoughts-these are the books that become Eve's apples." Pg 97
When Women Were Birds is a gift you must give yourself and the women in your life.
Terry's mother told her, a week before she died, that she was leaving her all her journals. She had three shelves of journals in various prints and colors all stacked neatly in rows on the bookshelf. Her mother made her promise that she wouldn't look at them until she was gone. "In Mormon culture, women are expected to do two things: keep a journal and bear children." pg. 18. What Terry found after her mother died was a complete shock; every one of her mother's journals was blank.
The surprise and weight of the blank journals, requires many questions. Questions that will be asked but not have any answers, only contemplation.
Within When Women Were Birds, Terry Tempest Williams explores what is means to be a woman, a mother, a grandmother, a writer. She explores faith, the environment, the beauty of birds, marriage. Terry contemplate her voice, silence and the meaning of her mother's journals.
Terry Tempest Williams is a heartfelt storyteller. Here she takes the story of her mother and her blank journals and turns it into a beautiful, unique, powerful memoir that is hard to put in a category. When Women Were Birds is virtually a variegated prism of multiple hues, a treasure chest, a love story to women and voice.
This is the first book I have read written by Terry Tempest Williams and it won't be the last. My copy of When Women Were Birds is marked with rainbow color tabs because the book spoke to me on a deep level. It spoke to me as a woman, a mother and a writer. It was, in short, amazing. I could relate on so many different levels and thought constantly about the wonderful women and mother's in my life.
Let me share some of my favorite quotes:
"A pencil is a wand and a weapon. Be Careful. Protect yourself. It can be glorious." pg 39
"To be read. To be heard. To be seen. I want to be read, I want to be heard. I don't need to be seen. To write requires an ego, a belief that what you say matters." pg. 47
"There are two important days in a woman's life: the day she is born and the day she finds out why." pg. 209
Muriel Rukeyser asked the question "What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open."
The world is splitting open." Pg 100
"Reading has not only changed my life but saved it. The right books picked at the right times-especially the one that scares us, threatens to undermine all we have been told, the one that contains forbidden thoughts-these are the books that become Eve's apples." Pg 97
When Women Were Birds is a gift you must give yourself and the women in your life.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
M.R. Tain Guest Post + GIveaway
M.R. Tain Guest Post + GIveaway
M.R. Tain is the Minnesota Author in the Spotlight for the beautiful month of May here on Booksnob. M.R. Tain has recently joined Goodreads, works a full time job, is in love with his wife and is busy writing books. He is a personable, nice guy and his two books This isn't Normal and Peace, Man involve time travel. M.R. Tain wrote a short guest post about what inspired him to write This Isn't Normal. Read on.
Guest Post by M.R. Tain
I was inspired to write "This isn't Normal" by three things: First, it was the stories our sons brought home from high school, and the contrast to my own high school experience.
Second, the memories of my teenage brothers back when I was in grade school; the music they listened to and their activities. Third, a picture of my mother in law at the age of 16. For the first time, I saw the teenage girl that would become the 60 year old woman that was my mother in law. The picture of the carefree sixteen year old girl showed me that we don't really know older people.
M.R. Tain is the Minnesota Author in the Spotlight for the beautiful month of May here on Booksnob. M.R. Tain has recently joined Goodreads, works a full time job, is in love with his wife and is busy writing books. He is a personable, nice guy and his two books This isn't Normal and Peace, Man involve time travel. M.R. Tain wrote a short guest post about what inspired him to write This Isn't Normal. Read on.
Guest Post by M.R. Tain
I was inspired to write "This isn't Normal" by three things: First, it was the stories our sons brought home from high school, and the contrast to my own high school experience.

If you would like to win a copy of M.R. Tain's book This Isn't Normal please enter here: This Isn't Normal Giveaway
Guest Post,
Hometown Track author spotlight meme
Monday, May 13, 2013
Silhouette of a Sparrow Giveaway Winners
Silhouette of a Sparrow Giveaway Winners
I am excited to announce the five winners of Silhouette of a Sparrow Giveaway. Molly Beth Griffin and her awesome publisher, Milkweed Press, have graciously offered to giveaway copies of Silhouette of a Sparrow. Molly's book was nominated for a MN book award and is sure to win a special place in your heart.
Here are the winners:
Susanna from Susie the Bookworm
Tina from St. Paul, Minnesota
Monika from A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall
Monja from Medford, New York
Enjoy your new book.
Here is an excerpt from my book review:
Griffin creates a strong, subtle storyline in Silhouette of a Sparrow. It is enlightening to learn what a young woman's role in society was like in the 1920's and how hard it was to be different, much less
break out of society's traditional roles.
I am excited to announce the five winners of Silhouette of a Sparrow Giveaway. Molly Beth Griffin and her awesome publisher, Milkweed Press, have graciously offered to giveaway copies of Silhouette of a Sparrow. Molly's book was nominated for a MN book award and is sure to win a special place in your heart.
Here are the winners:
Susanna from Susie the Bookworm
Tina from St. Paul, Minnesota
Monika from A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall
Monja from Medford, New York
Enjoy your new book.
Here is an excerpt from my book review:
Griffin creates a strong, subtle storyline in Silhouette of a Sparrow. It is enlightening to learn what a young woman's role in society was like in the 1920's and how hard it was to be different, much less
break out of society's traditional roles.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope by Rhonda Riley
The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope by Rhonda Riley
The red mud of North Carolina gave birth to Adam Hope. It had been storming for days when Evelyn, a young 17 year old farm girl, saw a human form in the mud. She carried this person into the farmhouse. She isn't quite sure what she saw and doesn't trust her perceptions but this person formed into a woman who looked just like her within days.
They formed a bond, made up a story and Addie was born.
Soon Addie would metamorphosis into Adam, the love of Evelyn's life. They married, had children, worked the farm and developed a horse business. Adam was gifted with horses, unique and different in multiple ways. He was human with supernatural qualities. He was every girl's dream.
Evelyn lived in fear for the day when people would discover that Adam was different from other men. She always wanted to tell her daughters or her mother the truth of Adam's origin but could never find the words to explain it. One day her worst fear is realized at the funeral of one of her daughters. Evelyn and Adam's life permanently changed that day when Adam became ostracized within their small North Carolina community.
The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope is a unique and fierce love story. In many ways it reminded me of the Biblical story of Adam and Eve. Adam was born of the earth and to the earth he shall return. Evelyn emerged from her mother's womb and Adam did not. Riley has created a story that is touching and lovely. In many ways she pushes the boundaries of what we think is human and natural. Allowing for the fact that not everyone fits into the same mold of human perfection. There are variations and qualities that shapes us as human.
Riley does not offer explanations as to why Adam is the way he is. What she creates is a believable ending to a unique life that makes sense. It is up to the readers to decide who Adam is and to believe or not to believe in the story. I loved it and thought is was creative and absolutely fascinating. Like
Evelyn, I fell in love with Adam Hope.
The red mud of North Carolina gave birth to Adam Hope. It had been storming for days when Evelyn, a young 17 year old farm girl, saw a human form in the mud. She carried this person into the farmhouse. She isn't quite sure what she saw and doesn't trust her perceptions but this person formed into a woman who looked just like her within days.
They formed a bond, made up a story and Addie was born.
Soon Addie would metamorphosis into Adam, the love of Evelyn's life. They married, had children, worked the farm and developed a horse business. Adam was gifted with horses, unique and different in multiple ways. He was human with supernatural qualities. He was every girl's dream.
Evelyn lived in fear for the day when people would discover that Adam was different from other men. She always wanted to tell her daughters or her mother the truth of Adam's origin but could never find the words to explain it. One day her worst fear is realized at the funeral of one of her daughters. Evelyn and Adam's life permanently changed that day when Adam became ostracized within their small North Carolina community.
The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope is a unique and fierce love story. In many ways it reminded me of the Biblical story of Adam and Eve. Adam was born of the earth and to the earth he shall return. Evelyn emerged from her mother's womb and Adam did not. Riley has created a story that is touching and lovely. In many ways she pushes the boundaries of what we think is human and natural. Allowing for the fact that not everyone fits into the same mold of human perfection. There are variations and qualities that shapes us as human.
Riley does not offer explanations as to why Adam is the way he is. What she creates is a believable ending to a unique life that makes sense. It is up to the readers to decide who Adam is and to believe or not to believe in the story. I loved it and thought is was creative and absolutely fascinating. Like
Evelyn, I fell in love with Adam Hope.
Friday, May 10, 2013
This Isn't Normal Giveaway
This Isn't Normal by M.R. Tain Giveaway
M.R. Tain is the Minnesota Author in the Spotlight for the month of May and he is giving away 5 copies of his young adult novel, This Isn't Normal to Booksnob readers. This giveaway is open internationally and will end the last day of May. Good Luck.
Here is the synopsis of This Isn't Normal from Amazon:
The woman of the house came into the living room. Did you make your phone call, honey? Karla looked at the woman carefully. This could beyesmy great-grandmother, Vera Carlson. She looks young! Karla Hunsaker lives a normal life with her mother and little brother, until the fall of her junior year of high school when the last of her great-grandparents passes away. She wakes up the morning after the family meeting in their guest room only to find them both alive, along with their daughter, Cheryl, the grandmother Karla never knew. Karla assumes she is dreaming. Cheryl is Karlas age, and they share a strong family resemblance. But she never met her grandmother before this strange event, and her grandfather is an offish, grumpy old man. Author M. R. Tain opens a window in time in This isnt Normal, giving a millennial teen a look at her 1965 counterpart, as well as some fun and games and a legacy that fate had denied her. Karla spends a week immersed in mid-60s culture with her sixteen-year-old grandmother. The culture shock continues when Karla finds that she doesnt quite fit in, in 2005 anymore. Follow Karla on her subsequent journey as her memories complicate her life. It isnt until her senior year that she makes sense of the experience and is finally able to unwrap the gift that Cheryl unknowingly passed onto her.
Open Internationally
Ends 5/31 at midnight
Good Luck.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
M.R. Tain is the Minnesota Author in the Spotlight for the month of May and he is giving away 5 copies of his young adult novel, This Isn't Normal to Booksnob readers. This giveaway is open internationally and will end the last day of May. Good Luck.
Here is the synopsis of This Isn't Normal from Amazon:
The woman of the house came into the living room. Did you make your phone call, honey? Karla looked at the woman carefully. This could beyesmy great-grandmother, Vera Carlson. She looks young! Karla Hunsaker lives a normal life with her mother and little brother, until the fall of her junior year of high school when the last of her great-grandparents passes away. She wakes up the morning after the family meeting in their guest room only to find them both alive, along with their daughter, Cheryl, the grandmother Karla never knew. Karla assumes she is dreaming. Cheryl is Karlas age, and they share a strong family resemblance. But she never met her grandmother before this strange event, and her grandfather is an offish, grumpy old man. Author M. R. Tain opens a window in time in This isnt Normal, giving a millennial teen a look at her 1965 counterpart, as well as some fun and games and a legacy that fate had denied her. Karla spends a week immersed in mid-60s culture with her sixteen-year-old grandmother. The culture shock continues when Karla finds that she doesnt quite fit in, in 2005 anymore. Follow Karla on her subsequent journey as her memories complicate her life. It isnt until her senior year that she makes sense of the experience and is finally able to unwrap the gift that Cheryl unknowingly passed onto her.
Open Internationally
Ends 5/31 at midnight
Good Luck.
Hometown Track author spotlight meme,
My Contests
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar
The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar
India brings to mind, exotic spices, bright colors, crowded places, curry laden food, and varied religions. India is a rich mixture of cultures containing a very complex history. There is a great divide in the various class systems, with the poor living in crowded, flea ridden, flithy slums. Thrity Umrigar, in The Space Between Us takes the reader from the slums of Bombay to the apartments of the wealthy middle class. Umrigar explores what gender and class mean when the lines are clearly blurred in modern day India.
Bhima is an old illiterate woman who has worked her entire life as a domestic for a wealthy Parsi woman. Bhima lives with her granddaughter Maya, in the slum and is working hard so that she can have a better life, so she get out of the slum and end the cycle of poverty that has existed in her family for generations. Except Maya ends up pregnant as she begins her first year of college and destroys Bhima's hope in the future.
Sera is a wealthy Parsi woman who grew up privledged in the upper middle class social strata. She married an older man with an anger streak. Bhima has been her faithful servant for more than 30 years. She is more like a friend and companion to Bhima than servant, they have shared so many secrets. Yet after all these years, Sera won't let Bhima sit on the furniture or drink out of one of her glasses.
The main characters are restricted by the class system of India. In every culture there are people who are invisible, the homeless, the jobless, and the outcasts, so The Space Between Us is a universal story. The class system is an unfortunate way to divide human beings and keep them in their place. Umrigar does an excellent job of showing how the class system pervades our everyday life and affects our relationships.
The Space Between Us is also about gender roles. I think this is what made the biggest impact on me. The men in this book were jerks and utter losers and yet they were on top and made decisions, forcing women into poverty, pregnancy, a life of hard work. Oh yes, the men in this book really pissed me off. I kept thinking, Where are all the good men?
India has always intrigued and scared me. Umrigar has taught me more about the complicated world
of India. The Space Between Us is a book to be discussed, digested and spit out because it will play with your emotions. It is written and dedicated to the many women who work as domestics around the world.
India brings to mind, exotic spices, bright colors, crowded places, curry laden food, and varied religions. India is a rich mixture of cultures containing a very complex history. There is a great divide in the various class systems, with the poor living in crowded, flea ridden, flithy slums. Thrity Umrigar, in The Space Between Us takes the reader from the slums of Bombay to the apartments of the wealthy middle class. Umrigar explores what gender and class mean when the lines are clearly blurred in modern day India.
Bhima is an old illiterate woman who has worked her entire life as a domestic for a wealthy Parsi woman. Bhima lives with her granddaughter Maya, in the slum and is working hard so that she can have a better life, so she get out of the slum and end the cycle of poverty that has existed in her family for generations. Except Maya ends up pregnant as she begins her first year of college and destroys Bhima's hope in the future.
Sera is a wealthy Parsi woman who grew up privledged in the upper middle class social strata. She married an older man with an anger streak. Bhima has been her faithful servant for more than 30 years. She is more like a friend and companion to Bhima than servant, they have shared so many secrets. Yet after all these years, Sera won't let Bhima sit on the furniture or drink out of one of her glasses.
The main characters are restricted by the class system of India. In every culture there are people who are invisible, the homeless, the jobless, and the outcasts, so The Space Between Us is a universal story. The class system is an unfortunate way to divide human beings and keep them in their place. Umrigar does an excellent job of showing how the class system pervades our everyday life and affects our relationships.
The Space Between Us is also about gender roles. I think this is what made the biggest impact on me. The men in this book were jerks and utter losers and yet they were on top and made decisions, forcing women into poverty, pregnancy, a life of hard work. Oh yes, the men in this book really pissed me off. I kept thinking, Where are all the good men?
India has always intrigued and scared me. Umrigar has taught me more about the complicated world
of India. The Space Between Us is a book to be discussed, digested and spit out because it will play with your emotions. It is written and dedicated to the many women who work as domestics around the world.
World Literature
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Daynight Tour Finale
On Tour with Prism Book Tours...
- Over $300 of daynight-related prizes as a giant THANK YOU to the thousands of daynight early adopters and those who have yet to enter the twisted world of The Second Chance Institute and Thera. Want to prepare for Exile? Or an overday date with Ethan? Have breakfast for dinner? Glam it up in Garden City? There are *12* prize packages to be won! We'll introduce a new package every day of the tour so you'll have a second, third & so forth chance to win.
- The launch of clean slate complex (a daynight story)... For those who have read daynight you can learn more about what the SCI is up to on Earth (surely nothing good). For those who haven't read daynight this is a great way to get your feet wet...test the waters so to speak. I warn you though...the SCI's like Jaws Jr and the giant school of barracuda I encountered on my recent vacation--pretty from a distance, but up close they've got a lot of bite ;).
- Posters, teasers and guest posts about the themes of daynight and clean slate complex... Plus, I'm fully prepared to sneak in some nuggets about what to expect in the daynight sequel, arbitrate.
Thanks again for joining us on the tour and for your support of daynight. I'm grateful for all of you and humbled by your support.
- Megan Thomason
author of daynight
April 22 - Launch!
- My Seryniti - Review
I honestly didn’t know who to trust.- Little Library Muse - Part I of III
Thankfully I got Brad Darcton, a member of the ruling Ten of the SCI to help me out... no one said that I couldn’t bring a guest to my guest post so I’m going for it. I warn you to take what he says with a grain of salt. The guy’s a walking SCI propaganda poster.

The dystopia category is pretty broad these days. By definition a dystopian world must have:Extremely bad living conditions due to deprivation, oppression, or terrorBy that definition my kids probably think our home qualifies.- Buckeye Girl Reads - Excerpt:
- Marked by Books - Review
I don't necessarily think that the SCI is evil, even though I may believe that some of the things they do are. They have a reason for doing what they do, and I'm so thankful to Megan for daring to explain those "whys."- Red Headed Bookworm - Part III of III
Brad: We want only the best for humanity. All you have to do is turn on the news on Earth to know that humanity’s been in a downward spiral. Someone’s got to step up and nip these issues in the bud. And I don’t know any organization better prepared to do just than than The Second Chance Institute.
24 - Coffee Books and Me - Guest Post
The idea for Thera came to me as I was hiking the canyons of San Diego...
Snuggling on the Sofa - Review
I have to say how refreshing I found this book when I began to read it.Christy's Cozy Corner - Excerpt
All Fantasy Words - Review
daynight is a gripping, fast-paced novel that combines the intricacies of science and technology with a sense of magic and surrealism.
26 - My Passion for Books - Review
I was very impressed with this book. I read it in a couple of days, even though I had a lot of work to do for school and other things. I just couldn’t put it down.- Paranormal opinion - Blake
- The Cozy Reading Corner - Kira
I needed all three characters to fully tell the story... Each perspective adds important pieces to the puzzle and as the characters collide there’s a few fireworks.- Getting Your Read On - Review x2
We get a glimpse of the characters from daynight in this novella and it definitely perked my interest in the next book to see how everything fits back together and intertwines.- All Fantasy Worlds - CSC Review
clean slate complex was a fast read and it went very well after reading daynight. You know that feeling when you finish reading a good novel and you know you’re going to miss the characters and the world the author created so much until the next book comes out? Well, this novella is perfect for those who need their daynight fix.

All in all, this book was a nice read that'll leave you wondering what's going to happen next.- Pause Time - Part I of III:
There’s nothing like starting the morning with a little controversy, so let’s get a couple important things out of the way:- A Backwards Story - Part II of III:
- So what is Cleaving?
Many readers have mistaken all the Cleaving discussion for pushing sex. On the contrary, it is all about who you end up with for life.
Extremes are extreme by nature and intended to shed very bright light on societal parallels and make the reader think, feel uncomfortable even.29 - I Am a Reader, Not a Writer - Teaser
What I expected did not happen, especially what I predicted with the Blake and Kira's relationship... I like it because it was a twist for me...- Mel's Shelves - Review
Wow!! I'm really not sure where to start with this one. This book is full of twists and turns and turns and more turns. There's LOTS of secrets, deceit, betrayal, friendship, love, lust, power hungry adults, creepy rules, etc. You name it, this has it (aside from swearing and detailed sex--a plus).
30 - Letters to the Cosmos - Review
The story starts on page one, the writing is fantastic, the characters are well-drawn, and the narrative is so much... more than a YA dystopian novel.
- Arriane Cruz Part I of II
Escapism: an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy.
- Candace's Book Blog Part II of II
Knowing that escaping won’t make the bad stuff go away, why do we do it? I think that the diversions and fantasies can give our brains enough of a “timeout” to be able to return back to our circumstances with renewed vigor and determination.
May 1 - Life of a YA Girl - Review
You never know who to trust. You honestly don't even know until the very end. Some of the characters, who will remain nameless, you still don't know their true intentions! I can't wait to read Thomason's next book, once it comes out. I'm just dying to know what happens to these characters, if who we think we can trust is really trustworthy... if the SCI has some other twisted objective.

If you can't tell just yet, this was a five star read. Many of my notes in my kindle are highlights that say "HOLY CRAP" or "OMG!" or "ARE YOU FLIPPING KIDDING ME?!" My poor kindle probably has bruises from me punching the screen with my finger to get to the next page as quickly as I could.- Lovin' Los Libros - Review - daynight & CSC:
There is a bit of a love triangle here, as both Adam and Joshua have expressed interest in Alexa. We get a pretty big plot twist and Alexa learns SCI is not at all what it claims to be, and Joshua’s allegiance is wishy washy at best.Alexa, Adam, and Joshua will all appear in Arbitrate, the second book in the Daynight series.
I can’t wait!Paulette's Papers Part I of II
You are thrust into a dystopian society. What do you do? Do you submit to the regime or fight to the death?Becky's Barmy Book Blog Part II of II
Backing Books - Excerpt:Good news! We’ll likely die before being forced to live in a dystopian society. Our only exposure will be through fiction. And thank goodness. Because realistically, none of us would have much of a chance of making it in a dystopia without meeting an early demise or becoming one of the brain-dead masses.
4 - Hezzi-D's Books and Cooks - Recipe:
Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

- Living a Goddess Life - Review; Recipe:
Theranberry Bread Pudding
5 - Sab, The Book Eater - Part I of II
What a weird feeling. I started daynight over 3 years ago. I spent more than 6 months writing, and way more than 6 months doing edits and rewrites.- Mortality Bites - Part II of II
daynight explored the SCI’s iron grip on Thera and the Second Chancers. clean slate complex explores what the SCI is up to on Earth (nothing good).
- Deco My Heart - Review
There are many sinister things about Thera that are slowly revealed and lots of twists and turns which makes for an interesting read.6 - Jack's Junk Drawer - Review
The opening prologue was hilarious. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard so soon when reading a book- The Reading Diaries - Review
The book is filled with twists and turns that kept me guessing till the last page I had a hard time putting it down.
Daynight is a creative alternative world. It contains a great love triangle and is entertaining and suspenseful. I love being transported outside my realm of knowledge to new places that exist only between the pages of a book. Thomason has created believable characters, sexual tension, fast moving plot and dangerous living conditions.May 7 - Grand Finale Blast!!
Great price on daynight PLUS pick up clean slate complex for FREE! Then enter to win the AWESOME Giveaway!
Choose what you enter to win wisely. Your stay on Thera may be extended indefinitely.
US only. International winners will receive $25 Amazon gift certificate. US winners can opt to receive $25 Amazon gift certificate in lieu of any prize package.Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced on Rafflecopter and Grand Finale posts as well as emailed and the winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry and Prism Book Tours and sponsored by Megan Thomason. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, May 6, 2013
Daynight by Megan Thomason
Daynight by Megan Thomason Book Tour.
Kira joins a group called SCI to help her pay for college. She plans to work on another planet for a year, return to earth and live her life. Except people on SCI or Second Chance Institute have other ideas. Kira has perfect DNT and they want her to stay forever, have babies and help their planet.
SCI is a strict planet where you don't question the rules. Most choices are in the hands of The Ten who rule. SCI is the exact polar opposite of Earth. Where earth is water, SCI is land, and vice versa. The are entrance and exit portals attached to earth.
Rules: You must choose a life partner at age 18. If you mate with someone before you are 18, they will be your life partner.
You must apply for a baby. Babies are made in-vitro. If you get pregnant without permission you are exiled.
Never talk to a second chancer about their past. If you do, you will be exiled.
Exiled people are never allowed back inside Garden city. SCI is a hard place to live and people live their "Day" at night when it is cooler and sleep during the day when it is hot outside. It gets to be about 150 degrees during the day. Most people only stay outside 20 minutes in sunlight otherwise it is to
You must read the book to learn the other rules because I'm not giving away all the secrets.
Daynight is a creative alternative world. It contains a great love triangle and is entertaining and suspenseful. I love being transported outside my realm of knowledge to new places that exist only between the pages of a book. Thomason has created believable characters, sexual tension, fast moving plot and dangerous living conditions.
If you love YA and are a fan of dystopian fiction this is a book for you. Daynight is full of adventure and plot twists and the fact that it is on a mirror planet similar to earth makes it all the more interesting. Put this book on your radar.
Head over to Laura at Colorimetry to enter the contest. Scroll down for a lot of great information
about the next book in the series, the contest and more.
Good Luck!!
Kira joins a group called SCI to help her pay for college. She plans to work on another planet for a year, return to earth and live her life. Except people on SCI or Second Chance Institute have other ideas. Kira has perfect DNT and they want her to stay forever, have babies and help their planet.
SCI is a strict planet where you don't question the rules. Most choices are in the hands of The Ten who rule. SCI is the exact polar opposite of Earth. Where earth is water, SCI is land, and vice versa. The are entrance and exit portals attached to earth.
Rules: You must choose a life partner at age 18. If you mate with someone before you are 18, they will be your life partner.
You must apply for a baby. Babies are made in-vitro. If you get pregnant without permission you are exiled.
Never talk to a second chancer about their past. If you do, you will be exiled.

You must read the book to learn the other rules because I'm not giving away all the secrets.
Daynight is a creative alternative world. It contains a great love triangle and is entertaining and suspenseful. I love being transported outside my realm of knowledge to new places that exist only between the pages of a book. Thomason has created believable characters, sexual tension, fast moving plot and dangerous living conditions.
If you love YA and are a fan of dystopian fiction this is a book for you. Daynight is full of adventure and plot twists and the fact that it is on a mirror planet similar to earth makes it all the more interesting. Put this book on your radar.
Head over to Laura at Colorimetry to enter the contest. Scroll down for a lot of great information
about the next book in the series, the contest and more.
Good Luck!!
Dystopian Teen,
Science Fiction,
Young Adult
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Free Comic Book Day
Free Comic Book Day- May 4th, 2013
This is my first time participating in Free Comic Book Day. I grabbed my two kids and a neighbor boy and drove out to Uncle Sven's Comic Shoppe on St. Clair in St. Paul. There was a small line to get in the store. While waiting in line we were given bags full of comic book goodies. I thought we would get to pick one comic book a piece but inside our bag was about 10-15 different comics. My bag was heavy.
This is a picture of everything in my adult comic bag. My son also got an adult bag and some of it was the same as mine and some was different. He also got a game and figurines, and I didn't. We did a little comic book trading. There was a Walking Dead comic as well as superman and yet many I have never heard of.
My daughter was busy reading in the car on the way home. She got the kid's comic bag. All of her comics were different from mine. I tell you it was a blast to see all the people and explore what was in our goodie bag. We are going next year for sure. Maybe we will even visit two comic stores and see what they each have to offer.
Did you get any goodies on Free Comic Day?
Have you ever participated before??
May the Fourth be with You. Happy Star Wars Day.
This is my first time participating in Free Comic Book Day. I grabbed my two kids and a neighbor boy and drove out to Uncle Sven's Comic Shoppe on St. Clair in St. Paul. There was a small line to get in the store. While waiting in line we were given bags full of comic book goodies. I thought we would get to pick one comic book a piece but inside our bag was about 10-15 different comics. My bag was heavy.
This is a picture of everything in my adult comic bag. My son also got an adult bag and some of it was the same as mine and some was different. He also got a game and figurines, and I didn't. We did a little comic book trading. There was a Walking Dead comic as well as superman and yet many I have never heard of.
My daughter was busy reading in the car on the way home. She got the kid's comic bag. All of her comics were different from mine. I tell you it was a blast to see all the people and explore what was in our goodie bag. We are going next year for sure. Maybe we will even visit two comic stores and see what they each have to offer.
Did you get any goodies on Free Comic Day?
Have you ever participated before??
May the Fourth be with You. Happy Star Wars Day.
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