Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Butterfly Key Contest Ends Today!

The contest for THE BUTTERFLY KEY ends today!

Today is the last day to enter the contest to win one of three personalized copies of The Butterfly Key.  The contest ends at midnight tonight.  The contest is open internationally and is available to all Booksnob followers.  Good Luck and as always thanks for following Booksnob!

Click here to enter: The Butterfly Key Contest

Please check out my book review of The Butterfly Key.  This is a beautiful, heartfelt story and I want everyone to read it.  The story behind the story is equally as powerful.

The Butterfly Key Book Review

You can check out my interview with Andrew as well.  He is such a wonderful father and husband and it shows in his writing.  This man loves his wife and family and dedicates his life to God.  This interview will touch your heart.

Andrew Neudecker Author Interview

I really enjoyed working with Andrew.  I would like to thank Andrew for being March's Minnesota Author in the Spotlight.  Please support this emerging author by reading his book, The Butterfly Key and checking out his website at

Andrew wanted me to let Booksnob readers know that his book is also available as an e-book on the nook and kindle. Andrew has made it available for only .99 cents until the end of April to celebrate his 10 year wedding anniversary and birth of his son!