Coloring Designs to Nourish You with Love, Joy, Faith, Peace and More.
I love to color. Don't you? I only wish I had more time in my busy day to sit down and color.
Coloring is therapeutic and an enjoyable way to spend time listening to an audio book and/or unwinding with your children or grandchildren after a stressful day of work. I love to color outside for about 10 minutes a day right befoer the sun sets for the day.
Inkspirations, fruit of the spirit coloring book is lovely. The illustrations are two page spreads and include Bible verses from the New Testament and Old Testament on every page.
It is a peaceful setting to spend with your colored pencils. I like to color with markers and they bleed to the other side. This is not an option with this coloring book because the drawings are on both sides of the page. Use colored pencils or pens not markers within this coloring book.
What I really like about this coloring book is that you can finish a page coloring in about an hour. There is a lot of beautiful detail with Inkspiration but it is not overwhelming and you can feel like an accomplished artist and make beautiful colored pictures in no time at all.
Happy Coloring to you all.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Book Arts,
Book Gifts,
Coloring book
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Jacqueline West Author Interview
Jacqueline West was the Minnesota Author in the Spotlight here on Booksnob for the month of August. I got a chance to interview Jacqueline and ask her about her new teen novel, Dreamers Often Lie and her reading and writing habits. Read on to find out what Shakespeare play is her favorite and so much more.
Hi Jacqueline,
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m Jacqueline West, and I live with my family in Red Wing, MN. I write middle grade and YA fiction, as well as short stories and poetry for adults. I’m a lazy gardener, a decent musician, and a mean cookie-froster.
2. What is the backstory behind Dreamers Often Lie?
Back in 2007, I was teaching high school English in the twelfth smallest school district in Wisconsin. This meant that I was the entire English department…and speech department…and drama department. Some days, I would lead a Romeo and Juliet unit with the freshmen, discuss Hamlet with the seniors, and then direct school play rehearsal. I’d go home at the end of each day with my head full of Shakespeare and drama and YA literature—and, of course, with my students and their lives. These things all tangled together, and I started to write the story that eventually became Dreamers Often Lie.
3. Usually an author put some of her own life experiences in their book. Did you do that? Do you have anything in common with your characters?
Oh, yeah. Like Jaye, my protagonist, I was a high school theatre kid. During college, I paid my bills by acting in shows at the local dinner theatre. Today, I do community theatre when I can; I love getting the chance to step inside of other people and wear their clothes and live their lives for a little while. (It’s a bit like being a writer, actually!)
Beyond that, though, I don’t share much with any of the characters from Dreamers Often Lie. Unlike Jaye, I’ve never had a serious head injury. I haven’t lost a member of my immediate family. I’ve never had William Shakespeare show up in my bedroom. Jaye’s life is a lot more complicated than mine.
4. Can you tell us about your previous books?
My middle grade fantasy/mystery series is called The Books of Elsewhere. Volume One, The Shadows, was released in 2010, and the fifth and final volume came out in 2014. The series made the NYT Bestsellers list and has been published in eleven other countries so far, which still feels unreal to me.
The story revolves around an eleven-year-old girl named Olive, whose brilliant mathematician parents have just bought an old stone house with a mysterious past. Because Olive is very different from her parents, she notices things about the house that they don’t notice…like the oddness of the paintings that have been left hanging on the walls. And when Olive finds an old pair of spectacles hidden in an upstairs drawer and puts them on, she discovers that all the paintings in the house can come to life. She can even climb inside of them, and talk to the people within them, and explore these eerie painted worlds—but it turns out that some of the painted people she meets are manipulating her for some very dangerous ends.
5. Do you like to read? What are some of your favorite books and authors?
I’m an obsessive, scattered reader. I’m always reading at least four books at once, because I keep one in my purse, one in the kitchen, one in the bathroom, one on the bedside table, one in the car…
I try to avoid reading anything too similar to my current works-in-progress, so these days I read a lot of memoir and contemporary or classic adult fiction. Some of my favorite authors are Margaret Atwood, Neil Gaiman, Kelly Link, Annie Dillard, Michael Chabon, Louise Erdrich, Haven Kimmel, Roald Dahl, Kurt Vonnegut, Sylvia Plath, Bill Watterson, Poe, Bradbury, the Brontes, Dickens, and Shakespeare. See? Scattered.
I have a hard time naming any favorite books because I love so MANY, but if I could only bring a teeny tiny library to a desert island, it would definitely include Jane Eyre, Gaiman’s American Gods, Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine, and the collected works of Shakespeare. And some Calvin and Hobbes.
6. What is your favorite Shakespeare play and why?
Hamlet. Hands down. It’s endlessly fascinating. It’s so gorgeously crafted (just thinking of some of its best lines makes my heart beat faster) and the characters and their motivations are so rich with possibilities. And then there’s Hamlet himself. He’s so layered, and each of those layers can be interpreted in different ways. Is he sane? Or does he just believe that he’s sane, Catch-22 style? When is he being honest, and when is he just putting on a new ‘disposition’ in order to manipulate others? Is he even lying to himself, and thus to the audience? The reasons I love that play are some of the same reasons I wanted to write a story like Dreamers Often Lie, where the protagonist is a complicated lens, and truth and reality are slippery things.
7. Where do you find your inspiration?
I’m going to give the flakey cop-out answer and say “everywhere,” because it’s true. Memories, daydreams, artwork, other people’s stories, travel, things I see out the car window… They’re all ingredients that I can put in my mental pantry.
8. How do you carve time out of your busy day to write? Do you write full-time or do you also have a “day” job?
Writing has been my full-time job since 2010. As an author, I do a lot of school visits and writing workshops, both in MN/WI and around the country. The publication schedule of The Books of Elsewhere kept me pretty busy from 2010 – 2014, and in 2015, I had a baby, so I’m pretty busy these days too. I’m lucky enough to have my recently-retired, baby-adoring parents nearby, so now I have childcare two days a week, and on the other days, I have two blessed hours of naptime. I’m sure I’m less productive than I used to be, but if there’s anything that can help you kick the procrastinating habit, it’s a baby. Now I work like there’s a bomb about to go off.
9. Name one book that you think is a must read for everyone and tell us why?
Just ONE? Sheesh.
This one’s barely even a book, although it was published as one, in one of those miniature, graduation-gift-style volumes: This Is Water, by David Foster Wallace. It will make your heart bigger.
10. Tell us in one sentence why we should read Dreamers Often Lie.
If you like your novels twisty and odd and romantic, laced with Shakespearean characters and dark humor, Dreamers Often Lie is for you.
Thanks Jacqueline!!!
You can find Jacqueline on her website at:
Author Interview,
Hometown Track author spotlight meme,
MN author
Monday, September 5, 2016
Announcing September Author in the Spotlight!
Announcing September Author in the Spotlight!
Happy Labor Day! Hello to Fall and school days and goodbye to the lazy days of summer. I'll miss you summer. I read 10 books over the summer, the biggest one being Don Quixote which I started on the first of June and finished Aug 31st. My other favorite of the summer was the Neither Wolf nor Dog series by Kent Nerburn.
My kids start school tomorrow and are in 10th and 12th grade this year. I think we are ready, with new supplies and clothes and hopeful attitudes. I started teaching last week and have been back to crazy busy so my reading and writing has sadly slowed down. I submitted my poems to four literary mags this month. I'm trying harder to get to my poems published.
Let me introduce you to the September Minnesota Author in the Spotlight. Her name is Hope Jahren and she is a scientist who teaches and lives in Hawii right now but she grew up in Minnesota. I can't wait to read her memoir called Lab Girl. So excited to feature her on my book blog.
Here is the synopsis from Goodreads: Lab Girl by Hope Jahren
Acclaimed scientist Hope Jahren has built three laboratories in which she’s studied trees, flowers, seeds, and soil. Her first book is a revelatory treatise on plant life—but it is also so much more.
Lab Girl is a book about work, love, and the mountains that can be moved when those two things come together. It is told through Jahren’s stories: about her childhood in rural Minnesota with an uncompromising mother and a father who encouraged hours of play in his classroom’s labs; about how she found a sanctuary in science, and learned to perform lab work done “with both the heart and the hands”; and about the inevitable disappointments, but also the triumphs and exhilarating discoveries, of scientific work.
Yet at the core of this book is the story of a relationship Jahren forged with a brilliant, wounded man named Bill, who becomes her lab partner and best friend. Their sometimes rogue adventures in science take them from the Midwest across the United States and back again, over the Atlantic to the ever-light skies of the North Pole and to tropical Hawaii, where she and her lab currently make their home.
This month there will be a giveaway and a book review. Unfortunately, Hope is really busy this month and cannot do an interview or a guest post. You can visit Hope on her blog
Happy Reading Everyone!!
Happy Labor Day! Hello to Fall and school days and goodbye to the lazy days of summer. I'll miss you summer. I read 10 books over the summer, the biggest one being Don Quixote which I started on the first of June and finished Aug 31st. My other favorite of the summer was the Neither Wolf nor Dog series by Kent Nerburn.
My kids start school tomorrow and are in 10th and 12th grade this year. I think we are ready, with new supplies and clothes and hopeful attitudes. I started teaching last week and have been back to crazy busy so my reading and writing has sadly slowed down. I submitted my poems to four literary mags this month. I'm trying harder to get to my poems published.
Let me introduce you to the September Minnesota Author in the Spotlight. Her name is Hope Jahren and she is a scientist who teaches and lives in Hawii right now but she grew up in Minnesota. I can't wait to read her memoir called Lab Girl. So excited to feature her on my book blog.
Here is the synopsis from Goodreads: Lab Girl by Hope Jahren
Acclaimed scientist Hope Jahren has built three laboratories in which she’s studied trees, flowers, seeds, and soil. Her first book is a revelatory treatise on plant life—but it is also so much more.
Lab Girl is a book about work, love, and the mountains that can be moved when those two things come together. It is told through Jahren’s stories: about her childhood in rural Minnesota with an uncompromising mother and a father who encouraged hours of play in his classroom’s labs; about how she found a sanctuary in science, and learned to perform lab work done “with both the heart and the hands”; and about the inevitable disappointments, but also the triumphs and exhilarating discoveries, of scientific work.
Yet at the core of this book is the story of a relationship Jahren forged with a brilliant, wounded man named Bill, who becomes her lab partner and best friend. Their sometimes rogue adventures in science take them from the Midwest across the United States and back again, over the Atlantic to the ever-light skies of the North Pole and to tropical Hawaii, where she and her lab currently make their home.
This month there will be a giveaway and a book review. Unfortunately, Hope is really busy this month and cannot do an interview or a guest post. You can visit Hope on her blog
Happy Reading Everyone!!
Hometown Track author spotlight meme
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