Friday, April 9, 2010

Moby Dick book cover t-shirt

Moby Dick book cover t-shirt

I just discovered this awesome website that sells T-Shirts based on out of print book covers. My BIG plan this summer is to conquer Ahab's whale of a tale called Moby Dick. I am not reading this by myself for that would be twice as crazy and so I am reading it with a friend as we provide moral support and encouragement to FINISH the book. I have just decided that if I finish this book I am buying myself this T-Shirt as a reward that I will wear proudly. I think the shirt and reading the difficult tome that is Moby Dick, will be an ego booster and give me major bragging rights. I can't wait to own this shirt! Oh and the cool thing is that for every shirt that is bought a book is donated to a community in need. Click on the link to view the shirt. They have many more book titles to choose from. I am totally ready for MOBY DICK. Bring it on Melville.