Friday, January 20, 2012

The Western Lit Survival Kit by Sandra Newman

The Western Lit Survival Kit.  An Irreverent Guide to the Classics, from Homer to Faulkner by Sandra Newman

 Have you ever read a book, touted and revered as great, and wondered what made people "back in the day" want to read a book like that, much less deem it a classic?  Year after year, high school and college English students read Western Lit and are not always sure why.  The Western Lit Survival Kit is a reading guide to the historical and entertaining reasons why a book achieved greatness and with it, a long shelf life.

You can use The Western Lit Survival Kit as a reference guide to look up interesting facts about a particular book or to look up books written in a certain time period.  Or if you are a serious bibliophile, like me, and love to read a book about books, than you can read it cover to cover for the peer enjoyment of learning the history of literature.

The Western Lit Survival Kit is a hilarious romp through time and the great moments of western literature.  I laughed out loud multiple times and have learned about some Classic books I have never heard of.  Along the way Newman tackles the boredom threshold, the fun factor and rates the importance and accessibility of the books. 

So come, take my hand and walk, I mean read, through the history of literature.  Did I mention there are swear words, zombies, a St. Lady GAGA and a trip to hell? People, wise up!  Who needs a date Friday night when you can read this book!