Monday, October 24, 2011

The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan

The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
Percy Jackson and The Olympians.  Book Three.

Another riveting story from Rick Riordan.  The Titan's Curse is the third book in the Percy Jackson series and it will not disappoint avid fans.  Percy and his friends, Grover, Thalia and Annabeth meet up with Artemis and her virgin hunters to save the world.  Annabeth disappears early in the story and it becomes Percy's mission to save his best friend from peril at the hands of his nemesis Luke.  Several new characters and Greek gods enter the story and continue the drama as the Titan Lord sets his trap.  Will Percy be the demigod that will fulfill the prophecy of Kronos's curse?

The ending is full of interesting surprises to keep young and mature readers up late into the night turning the pages.  I read The Titan's Curse aloud to my children and enjoyed every minute of this action packed adventure.  What I love about Percy is that he is an unlikely hero.  He has ADHD and dyslexia, like both of my kids, and doesn't perform well at school but he has a gift to protect those that he loves and fights to keep them safe.  Percy may not be the best student in school but he is a wonderful teenager with many gifts including a kind heart.  Percy is the kind of character every mom loves.

Percy Jackson and The Olympians is one of my favorite series to read aloud to my kids.  My kids are 13 and 10 now and we have read the series for the last three years.  Next year we will start Book Four The Battle of the Labyrinth.  It has been empowering for my children to read about a character that has ADHD and dyslexia and who faces the same challenges they do on a daily basis.  My kids couldn't read a book this large quickly due to dyslexia and reading aloud is a positive alternative and makes for excellent listeners.  My son and daughter have recently started taking on more challenging books and even thought it takes them a long time to finish, they persevere and they have built confidence much like the characters who have overcome challenges in the Olympian books.  Thanks Rick Riordan for writing great books that kids love.

What books have you read aloud to your kids and would recommend?