Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May - Author in the Spotlight Wrap-up and Giveaway

Whiteout Contest Ends Today at Midnight!

May - Author in the Spotlight Wrap-up.
May is coming to an end.  I would like to highlight Hometown Track Minnesota Author in the Spotlight, Brian Duren.

Today is the last day to enter the contest to win one of three personalized copies of Whiteout.  The contest ends at midnight tonight.  The contest is open internationally and is available to all Booksnob followers.  Good Luck and as always thanks for following Booksnob!

Click here to enter:  Whiteout Contest

Please check out my book review of Whiteout.  This is an fast paced story that will keep you guessing until the end of the book.  Full of mystery, secrets, snowstorms and love letters.  Highly enjoyable.

 Whiteout Book Review

Check out the author interview with Brian Duren.  Here is the inside scoop behind the man who wrote this entertaining story.  He is an excellent writer and a reader of great books. 

Brian Duren Author Interview

Luckily Brian wrote a guest post for Booksnob readers and here you can learn what other readers want to know:  Brian tells how he got the idea to write Whiteout.  I think all Minnesotans have experienced a Whiteout before.  If you haven't, you definitely need to read his book.

Brian Duren Guest Post

I really enjoyed working with author, Brian Duren.  I would like to thank Brian for being May's Minnesota Author in the Spotlight.  Please support this emerging author by reading his book, Whiteout and checking out his website at www.brianduren.com