Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Lady Matador's Hotel

The Lady Matador's Hotel by Cristina Garcia

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to our beautiful Hotel Miraflor located in South America.  I hope you enjoy your stay with us.  For your convenience we have a Garden Restaurant in the hotel and they serve excellent pork chops.  Aura will be your waitress.  Aura is an ex-guerrilla and has had tragedy in her life.  Be nice to her and she will treat you well.  Don't forget to see our funny parrot who hangs out at the bar.  The bartender teaches him to say such silly phrases.

We have several famous and privileged guests this week including the famous female Matadora, Suki Palacios.  She is quite striking in her beauty.  There is to be a Battle of the Lady Matadors here in our city and we in the hotel feel she has a good chance to win.  We also have Colonel Martin Abel staying with us.  He is a very important high ranking military official and I would stay out of his way if you can.  He is a very, ah, busy man.

Won Kim has rented the honeymoon suite.  His very young mistress is pregnant and quite demanding.  He owns one of the textile factories in town, but despite all this success he seems so unhappy.  He rarely smiles or talks to anyone here.  Did you hear about the fire that killed five Korean businessmen?  Maybe that is what is bothering him.   There is also a famous poet here staying with his wife and they are adopting a daughter from this country.  Lots of adoptive parents stay here to meet their babies before they can take them home.  Perhaps that is why you are here?  No?

Well that is enough gossip about the guests here.  Be careful if you venture outside this hotel.  The presidential race is heating up and I heard there were some bombs in the area.  Probably leftists.  If you do go out I recommend avoiding the strikers and the poor areas.  Visit the Cathedral in town but watch out for that crazy artist Frida. I do hope you can make it to the bullfight, it promises to be good entertainment.