Saturday, October 31, 2015

J. Ryan Stradal Author Interview + Giveaway

J. Ryan Stradal Author Interview + Giveaway

J. Ryan is the Minnesota Author in the Spotlight here on Booksnob for the scary month of October and he has written a delicious book called Kitchens of the Great Midwest and it really, really good and you are going to love it.  I had the chance to ask J. Ryan some questions during his busy book tour, about his book, his life and his love of food and books.  Read on.

Hi J. Ryan,

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I was born in Waconia, Minnesota, but I haven’t been there since, to my knowledge. My family at the time was living in Jonathan, Minnesota, which I believe has since been subsumed by Chaska. My parents’ neighbors at the time had just named their newborn son “Uriah” after the band Uriah Heep, so “J. Ryan” wasn’t even the most unusual baby name in Jonathan at the time.

My parents were readers and my mom taught me how to read when I was a pretty small child. I’ve been a voracious gobbler of text ever since, but I’ve had a few overriding obsessions. Growing up, I read everything I could about dinosaurs, Greek mythology, U.S. presidents, and baseball. My first novels were novelizations of popular movies, and they were my gateway drug to literature. On car trips, my younger brother used to provoke me by throwing my books out of the windows when we were on the highway. I now love my brother, and we’re good friends, although it was hard to envision this reality at the time. I’m close to my family. I live in California now but visit Minnesota at least a few times a year.

2. What inspired you to write Kitchens of the Great Midwest?

Twenty-two years of growing up in Minnesota and Illinois and feeling like the people I’d experienced hadn’t yet been widely represented in literature. That and a gnawing feeling that Midwestern cuisine is criminally underrated. I did my best to do justice to both the people and their food.

3. Usually an author puts some of his own life experiences in the book.  Did you do that?  Do you
have anything in common with your characters?

Yes, somewhat. My mom died of cancer ten years ago and I put an awful lot of my feelings surrounding her death into the book. There were very few true-life situations that were adapted, however. Will Prager not bringing enough money to pay for a dinner date – I did that. Shooting a doe and then discovering it had a fawn – a relative of mine did that once. Bringing “free tasting” coupons to a winery and subsequently not buying anything – guilty as charged, several times over. That’s about it, though.

4. Can you tell us why you decided to become a writer?  What other type of writing do you do?

I don’t know if I ever decided to become a writer any more than I decided to eat or get out of bed in the morning. It’s quite simply what I want to do, and I’ve never recalled thinking differently, although there have been stretches of time where I was reading more and writing less.

Besides novels, I’ve enjoyed writing sports profiles, short stories, and fiction that veers towards fake reportage. The latter was my prevailing form for much of my teens and twenties.

5. Do you like to read?  What authors or books influence you?

Absolutely. Recently I’ve been influenced and moved by the work of Meg Howrey, Amelia Gray, John Jodzio, Alice Munro, Barry Hannah, Bud Smith, David Ulin, Anne-Marie Kinney, Naomi Jackson, Erika Swyler, James Wright, Rob Roberge, and Jade Chang, to name just a few.

6. Name one book that you believe is a must read for everyone and tell us why?

I love this question. The book I’ve probably given away the most is Jesus’ Son by Denis Johnson. I think I’ve had to re-buy that book at least six or seven times, so I think I’ll go with that one. It’s a masterwork of a poet writing prose; his use of language, subjectivity, and sparse but assured detail is absolutely stunning to me.

7. Are you a foodie?  Where does your love of food come from?

I’m an enthusiastic end-user! I’m not that much of a chef, but food is a pretty huge pre-occupation of mine. As soon as they let me have a driver’s license, I was going up to the Twin Cities with my girlfriend Stacy and trying out new and exotic cuisine. It may have been unusual for teenagers at the time, but it was what we did, at least a few nights a month. Enjoying new cuisine is a major motivation behind my adult travels as well. Malaysia, Iceland, and Argentina in particular have been highlights.

8. Do you cook?  What is your favorite meal to cook for someone?

Sometimes – I like cooking breakfast, especially breakfast tacos. As I’ve said, I’m not that skilled or sophisticated as a chef. I tend to get overly excited about particular ingredients. Last year I drove to New Mexico and back in early September and came back with several pounds of green chiles. I put them in everything for months. It got annoying to everyone else.

9. Are you working on a new book?  Can you tell us a little bit about it?

Yes, and all I will say about it right now it that it’s also set in the Midwest, and so far there’s a character who’s really into rhubarb. I felt that rhubarb got short shrift in my last book, but much of Kitchens is set in the late summer / early fall, and that’s simply not rhubarb season.

10. In one sentence tell readers why they should read Kitchens of the Great Midwest?

I feel that book is a love letter to the Midwest; I laughed out loud and I cried while I wrote this novel, and there’s so much attention in every detail.

Thanks J. Ryan.

You’re welcome.

If you would like to win a copy of J.Ryan's new book, Kitchens of the Great Midwest (trust me, you want to win this one) please enter here:  Kitchens of the Great Midwest Giveaway

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Two Books to Put on Your Literary Radar

2 New Books I Can't Wait for You to Read.

Two of my favorite Minnesota authors, Sarah Stonich and Kirstin Cronn-Mills, have new books coming out soon and I can't wait to read them.  So I thought I would share them with you so you could be first on the library list when they are released.

The first book to be released is Fishing with Rayanne by Ava Finch. It is set to be released in about 10 days on November 3rd.  Ava Finch is actually a pen name for Sarah Stonich and I have loved her previous books, especially Vacationland, which was amazing and should have won the Pulitzer or the National Book Award.  I have a couple of books to finish and then I'm reading this one.

Here is the synopsis on Goodreads:

RayAnne Dahl goes fishing for a different life, catching much more than she’d bargained for...

Having fled the testosterone-soaked world of pro fishing to finally settle in her Minneapolis fixer-upper, thirty-something RayAnne unexpectedly lands at the helm of the first all-women fishing and talk show. Between her dad's falling off the wagon, unwanted advice from Mom—a life coach to the menopausal rich—and her clingy dog, she needs the advice of her beloved grandmother more than ever.

With the show’s surprise success, producers press for celebrity appearances, but fans tweet support for RayAnne and her quirky guests, real women with unique stories and something to say. And though handsome Hal tempts RayAnne, he is a sponsor, rocketing him to the top of her don’ts list.

Just when she’s shedding uncertainty, RayAnne’s world nearly capsizes, and she’s faced with gut-wrenching choices. Will she live by the rules, or by her heart?

The next book I want to tell you about is Original Fake by
Kirstin Cronn-Mills with artwork by E. Eero Johnson

Expected publication is in April, 2016.  Kirstin is a great Young Adult author and college teacher and I loved her last book Beautiful Music for Ugly Children.  This book is full of great artwork and story.

Here is what Goodreads has to say:

In this Banksy-inspired illustrated novel, an escalating sibling rivalry train wrecks and vengeance is a street-art act of war
Introvert Frankie Neumann hates his life, and understandably so. He’s got a weird, tutu-wearing sister, Lou, and even weirder parents, Bridget and Brett—Frank Sinatra and Dr. Frank-N-Furter impersonators, respectively. And, he’s just the guy who makes pizza at Pizza Vendetta. Though he has secret artistic aspirations of his own, his over-the-top family makes him want to stay in the background. But Frankie's life is about to change—becoming way more interesting, even a little dangerous, but definitely cool.

After his shift at the pizzeria one night, Frankie meets David and Rory, cousins and errand runners for the mysterious Uncle Epic, a legendary anonymous street artist and Frankie’s absolute idol. Little could Frankie dream that his new adventures with Uncle Epic would lead to the perfect opportunity to strike back at his insufferable sister for a lifetime of torture. But things go haywire quicker than you can say “street art kicks righteous ass,” and the lines are suddenly blurred between art and Frankie’s real life.

Now go and add them to your ever growing To Be Read list.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Twin Cities Book Festival 2015

Twin Cities Book Festival 2015

The Twin Cities Book Festival took place on Saturday, Oct 17th at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds.  It was a beautiful sunny, albeit a bit chilly, Fall day.  I was so happy to be there.  This year was full of so many great authors, panels and activities. I couldn't really fit everything in I wanted to do. I really wish there was two versions of me on occasions like this.

I started my day by meeting my friend Pamela and receiving four books to read and share.  The one that intrigues me the most is Pretty Baby by Mary Kubica.

Then I made my way to the Rain Taxi table and bought a large stack of Literary Magazine back issues for $1.00 each.  These I will use for research to determine what Lit Mags would be most likely to publish my poems and stories.  And I can also use them in the classroom.  This stack will keep me busy all year.

Then I went to listen to the Novels of the Midwest Author Panel where Lin Enger, Lauren Fox and Faith Sullivan answered questions from a moderator.  Enger and Fox are authors I have not read before.  Faith Sullivan is a favorite and I have read most of her novels.  I took home copies of Good Night, Mr. Wodehouse by Faith Sullivan and The Great Divide by Lin Enger.  I'm excited to read Enger.  I have read and loved his brother, Leif Enger's books and am thinking great authors must run in their family.

Next I walked around the booths and visited with exhibitors on the floor.  There were a lot of independent authors there and it was great to see the vast diversity of titles and topics.  I counted something like 43 authors selling their books.  I met author, John B. Goodman on Opening Night when I sat down at his table to eat dinner.  He gifted me with a review copy of both of his books, The Road to Self and Moments Matter, Everyday Inspiration from a Soulful CEO.

I entered contests, and talked with exhibitors from Literary magazines, like the Water Stone Review and Conduit and North American Review.

Next I went and listened to 4 authors/poets read their work.
Jabari Asim read from his book, Only the Strong.  This talk was amazing.

Then 3 poets read from their newest books.  Brian Henry
read from Static and Snow, Jennifer L. Knox read from her book, Days of Shame and Failure and Rachel Moritz read from her new poetry collection, Borrowed Wave.  I love, love, love poetry and it was nice to listen to some wonderful poetry.

At 1pm three lovely authors were signing books and meeting fans and I definitely one of their biggest fans.  Nicole Helget is the author of Stillwater, Ava Finch whose new book, Fishing with Rayanne, comes out in two weeks and Young Adult author, Katie Pierson whose new book is '89 Walls.  Katie made me answer some 80's trivia and I won a can of Tab.

Then my husband and son met me for lunch and we raced off to hear Craig Thompson speak about his graphic novels.  His newest book is Space Dumplins and I ended up standing in line for a SUPER long time waiting to get my copy signed for my teens.  So I missed the Crime author panel and Nina Revoyr (although I still bought a copy of her book, Lost Canyon and had her sign it)  When I was talking to Nina Revoyr, I noticed Craig was actually drawing in everyone's books.  Very cool.  No wonder the line was moving sooooo slow.  I guess it was worth it and it made my kids happy.

The last author I met was Pamela Carter Joern.  Her newest book is called, In Reach.  I have read one of her older titles, The Floor in the Sky.  It was excellent and I really wanted to meet her.  By this time is was 4:30 or so and the book festival was done around 5pm.  So I sat down and ate a delicious  coconut macaroon and read for a little bit.  

Thanks to Rain Taxi and all the wonderful authors and book people I met.  I have enough to read, until next year.  Happy 20 year Anniversary Rain Taxi.  Thanks for another great Book Festival.
See you next year.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Twin Cities Book Festival Opening Night 2015

Twin Cities Book Festival Opening Night 2015

Every year I eagerly anticipate the Twin Cities Book Festival and this year is no exception.  I decided to attend the opening night festivities on Friday night, Oct 16th, 2015 and celebrate Rain Taxi's 20th year.  So I bought a ticket, got semi-dressed up or as dressed up as you can be when your going to be in a building with no heat and you need to stay warm, and went all by myself to the fairgrounds.  I have to say I was a little nervous attending the event by myself but I met some other ladies who also went solo (Gail and Lacey) and had a blast.

The food was great, the wine was great and the company was awesome.  I met some new authors and got to talk with one of my favorite authors Faith Sullivan (she wrote The Cape Ann).  Craig Thompson was there (although I didn't get to talk to him) and many others.

The author of the evening was Laila Lalami.  Laila's newest book, The Moor's Account was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.  She talked in length about why she wrote the novel about the first black explorer of America, Mustafa al-Zamori, called Estebanico, who was a slave of a Spanish conquistador.  The story she told was absolutely fascinating.
I cannot wait to read The Moor's Account. Oh how I love historical fiction.  I thought she would talk for about 30 minutes and then after Laila signed my book and as I was leaving the building I noticed how late it was.  She talked for over an hour to the rapt audience.

I had an awesome Opening Night at the Best Book Festival in town.  Thanks Rain Taxi for 20 great years.  Keep up the good work!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Kitchens of the Great Midwest Giveaway

Kitchens of the Great Midwest Giveaway

J. Ryan Stradal is the October, Minnesota Author in the Spotlight here on Booksnob and he, along with his publisher, Viking press, are giving away one hardcover copy to a Booksnob follower who lives in the United States.  Yay!  You are going to love this book.

Here is the synopsis from Goodreads:

“A sweet and savory treat.” —People

"An impressive feat of narrative jujitsu. . . that keeps readers turning the pages too fast to realize just how ingenious they are."—The New York Times Book Review, Editor’s Pick

“Kitchens of the Great Midwest is a terrific reminder of what can be wrested from suffering and struggle – not only success, but also considerable irony, a fair amount of wisdom and a decent meal.”—Jane Smiley, The Guardian

As seen on The Skimm: "Warning: this will make you hungry. . . . You won’t be able to put it down. And it will up your kitchen game."

Kitchens of the Great Midwest, about a young woman with a once-in-a-generation palate who becomes the iconic chef behind the country’s most coveted dinner reservation, is the summer’s most hotly-anticipated debut.

When Lars Thorvald’s wife, Cynthia, falls in love with wine—and a dashing sommelier—he’s left to raise their baby, Eva, on his own. He’s determined to pass on his love of food to his daughter—starting with puréed pork shoulder. As Eva grows, she finds her solace and salvation in the flavors of her native Minnesota. From Scandinavian lutefisk to hydroponic chocolate habaneros, each ingredient represents one part of Eva’s journey as she becomes the star chef behind a legendary and secretive pop-up supper club, culminating in an opulent and emotional feast that’s a testament to her spirit and resilience.

Each chapter in J. Ryan Stradal’s startlingly original debut tells the story of a single dish and character, at once capturing the zeitgeist of the Midwest, the rise of foodie culture, and delving into the ways food creates community and a sense of identity. By turns quirky, hilarious, and vividly sensory, Kitchens of the Great Midwest is an unexpected mother-daughter story about the bittersweet nature of life—its missed opportunities and its joyful surprises. It marks the entry of a brilliant new talent.

Giveaway rules:
Fill out the form
Must be a US resident
Ends 11/2 at midnight
Good Luck!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Announcing October Author in the Spotlight

Announcing the October Minnesota Author in the Spotlight.

Fall has come and with it, the cold temperatures of Minnesota.  I've turned the heat on and off and on again and I've decided I'm really going to miss the sun. I'm rebelling by not wearing socks until the snow comes.  September was a good month. I didn't feature an author because I wanted to focus on the beginning of school and my own personal writing.  I actually wrote over 10 poems last month and I entered another contest.  I'm feeling good.

I'm also feeling really happy and excited about this month's author.  I met J.Ryan Stradal at Subtext books in St. Paul and he is super nice guy. I discovered he grew up in the town next door to me in Hastings, Minnesota so I knew I had to feature him and his awesome new book:  Kitchen of the Great Midwest.  It is getting rave reviews and everyone is talking about this book.  I'm so excited to read it.

Here is the synopsis from Goodreads:

Kitchens of the Great Midwest.

“A sweet and savory treat.” —People

"An impressive feat of narrative jujitsu. . . that keeps readers turning the pages too fast to realize just how ingenious they are."—The New York Times Book Review, Editor’s Pick

“Kitchens of the Great Midwest is a terrific reminder of what can be wrested from suffering and struggle – not only success, but also considerable irony, a fair amount of wisdom and a decent meal.”—Jane Smiley, The Guardian

As seen on The Skimm: "Warning: this will make you hungry. . . . You won’t be able to put it down. And it will up your kitchen game."

Kitchens of the Great Midwest, about a young woman with a once-in-a-generation palate who becomes the iconic chef behind the country’s most coveted dinner reservation, is the summer’s most hotly-anticipated debut.

When Lars Thorvald’s wife, Cynthia, falls in love with wine—and a dashing sommelier—he’s left to raise their baby, Eva, on his own. He’s determined to pass on his love of food to his daughter—starting with puréed pork shoulder. As Eva grows, she finds her solace and salvation in the flavors of her native Minnesota. From Scandinavian lutefisk to hydroponic chocolate habaneros, each ingredient represents one part of Eva’s journey as she becomes the star chef behind a legendary and secretive pop-up supper club, culminating in an opulent and emotional feast that’s a testament to her spirit and resilience.

Each chapter in J. Ryan Stradal’s startlingly original debut tells the story of a single dish and character, at once capturing the zeitgeist of the Midwest, the rise of foodie culture, and delving into the ways food creates community and a sense of identity. By turns quirky, hilarious, and vividly sensory, Kitchens of the Great Midwest is an unexpected mother-daughter story about the bittersweet nature of life—its missed opportunities and its joyful surprises. It marks the entry of a brilliant new talent.

Currently J. Ryan Stradal is on a 3 week book tour. Hopefully he will visit your local bookstore so you should probably go hear him speak.  This month you can expect a book review, an author interview, a giveaway and if he is not too busy maybe a guest post.  It is going to be a great month.

Have a great month of reading!