Monday, April 3, 2017

Gap Life by John Coy Giveaway

Gap Life by John Coy Giveaway

Hello fellow booksnobs.  Today is your lucky day.  You have a chance to win the newest Young Adult novel by John Coy called Gap Life.  I just finished reading it and loved it and I know you will too.  John, along with his publisher, MacMillian is giving away 2 copies to readers in the United States and Canada.

Here is the synopsis from Goodreads:
Cray got into the same college his father attended and is expected to go. And to go pre-med. And to get started right away. His parents are paying the tuition. It should be an easy decision.
But it's not.
All Cray knows is that what's expected of him doesn't feel right. The pressure to make a decision—from his family, his friends—is huge. Until he meets Rayne, a girl who is taking a gap year, and who helps him find his first real job, at a home of four adults with developmental disabilities. What he learns about himself and others will turn out to be more than any university could teach him—and twice as difficult.

Giveaway Rules:
Fill out the form
U.S. and Canada residents only
Enter by May 1st at midnight

Good Luck!