Friday, March 5, 2010

The Transmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle

The Trasmogrification of Roscoe Wizzle by David Elliott

This is a fun book for kids ages 7-12 and of course for nerdy parents like me who love young adult fiction. I love this book because it has the huge word transmogrification in the title. It was fun to read the word, say the word and learn what the word meant. David Elliot incorporates lots of new words in this book for young readers.

Roscoe Wizzle is a 10 year old kid who lives in a pink house, loves fast food and has begun to turn into a bug. His best friend is a girl who is really smart and teaches him new words and helps him solve the mystery of the book. This book's themes entail the perils of fast food, environmentalism and transmogrification. It is a perfect boy book although my attempts to get my own son to read it have failed. I would highly recommend this book to reluctant readers and for all readers who have metamorphosed into parents.