
Friday, August 6, 2010

Book Blogger hop and Friday Follow

Hey Everyone,
Happy weekend and welcome to my blog!  As always I am excited to meet new bloggers. Please leave a comment and your URL so I can return the visit. Check out my blog new design by Larissa and the new meme Hometown Tracks-Author Spotlight.  Oh and I have a button now, how cool is that!  Feel free to grab it if you like my blog.  Also please enter the Laura Ingalls Wilder giveaway, it is part of my Hometown Track feature.  You need to be a follower to enter. 

Jennifer's question this week is:
Do you listen to music when you read? If so, what are your favorite reading tunes?
No, I cannot read with music on.  My mind tends to focus on the words in the song and then I lose the words on my page.  Music doesn't work for me.


  1. Have you tried listening to music without actual singing? The lyrics always distract me in songs, so I've switched to listening to classical or movie scores. It actually works out a lot better. =)

    I dropped by through Follow Friday and I have to say that I am in lust with your blog - especially the background! I am now a new follower. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Missy @ Missy’s Reads & Reviews

  2. i can't read with music either! it drives me insane!! i'm a new follower from parajunkee's hop!!

  3. Hopping on over to say hello! I can understand how music can be distracting. Even though I keep the volume on low, sometimes, I get annoyed and just switch it off!

  4. Hey Laura! =)

    Happy Friday and thanks for the shout out! Im really happy you liked the design =D

  5. Hello! I am now a follower! =) Have a great weekend and happy reading!

  6. Swinging by from Parajunkee's hop, and happily following.

    - Chelsea from Vampire Book Club

  7. Hello. Lovely blog you have. I see you reviewed one of my favorite books, Speak, this week. Awesome! Keep it shiny!

  8. Great looking blog you have here. I'm stopping in from the blog hop. Happy reading and hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. I listen to music about half the time when I'm reading. I have to be a the right state of mind to be able to process both the music and text. I usually go for tunes without many lyrics though. It really depends on the type of music.

  10. I'm a new follower from Follow My Blog and I'm excited to read your posts! Have a great weekend!

    What Book is That?

  11. Hi!!! I'm a new follower, stopping by from the hop!!! By the way, your header is awesome!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!! :)


  12. Hi! Just stopped in during my first Book Blogger Hop, and I'll be a new follower momentarily. Love the background, it's so cute!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    ~Reese M.

  13. Thank you for stopping by my blog for the hop! You've got a great blog here.

  14. Hi,

    I found you through the Book Blogger Hop. I've started following your blog and I think that it's great. Anyway, check out my blog:

    You could follow me too if you like it.

    Warmest regards,
    John Smith (pen name)
