
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Northhanger Abbey Readalong week #3

Northhanger Abbey Readalong week #3

Pages read 121-178
Chapters read 16-23

Part 2 in the book. 
I am really starting to like this book and I really love Henry Tilney, he is hilarious.  He is seriously cracking me up, as Catherine says the oddest things and he is good at jesting her.  For example, Catherine says "I have just learnt to love a hyacinth."  (who says that?) pg. 163  She takes it all in stride probably because she has no idea he is jesting which makes the reader understand the joke that the main character does not.

I read almost all this weeks required pages in one day.  The text was entertaining to me and honestly I can't believe I am liking a book by Austen.  But I am, I am liking it indeed. 

Here is what I like: 
I like that Catherine is now at the Tilney Abbey and away from John and Isabelle Thorpe. (those two characters get on my nerves, like a fly buzzing around my head) I like that Catherine is swept up in her invented mystery of the Abbey and that she totally reminds me of a modern day teenager and the drama that gets invented in their day to day lives.  I like that Austen has included plots and twists from the popular Gothic romances of her day.  I am totally going to read Radcliffe's book The Mysteries of Udolpho.  I like that Henry Tilney reads books since according to Catherine most men don't.  I like that the book is funny and the author is quite witty.  I like Henry, he is definitely my favorite character. 

Next week's drama continues with the remaining pages and persists till the harrowing end.  Stay tuned for the dramatic conclusion on Booksnob.


  1. I thought the hyacinth comment was ridiculous too. It seemed as though she was struggling to find anything to talk to him about and that's just what popped out.

    I'm glad Catherine's away from the Thorpes too. I would love for her to be able to form a real friendship with Miss Tilney - but that all depends on if the general will give them any time to themselves.

  2. It was hard for me to stop reading this week. I really want to push on. I'll probably finish the book this weekend.

    I'll be interested when you get around to Udolpho. This whole time I'd been wishing I was more familiar with it. My footnotes are constatantly showing references to Radcliffe so I bet you'll have fun with it.

    I'm glad you're enjoying the book. Austen is pulling hankies out of her sleeves for this one. I'm ejoying N.A. much more than my last Austen read, Persuasion, although P&P is my favorite.

    I haven't read Milkweed. I do remember hearing about the title though and I think it's on my old TBR list on my PC. I should put it on my shelfari list!

  3. Catherine is not my normal preference for a MC, but she's been cast in a way that doesn't grate on my nerves. She never contradicts herself - if she's foolish/goofy one minute, she's not suddenly insightful/clever the next. And while I normally prefer the clever heroines, Catherine is simply adorable, and I can't help but root for her. Even if she has come to love a hyacinth...

    Henry and Eleanor Tilney are my favorites too! Can't wait to finish the book tonight!
