
Friday, August 6, 2010

Laura Ingalls Wilder Contest

Laura Ingalls Wilder Contest

 Hometown Track-Author Spotlight

I just returned from Pepin, Wisconsin (Laura's Birthplace) and bought this great guidebook to give away to one lucky follower.  Inside the book, it has an official stamp which says "Birthplace of Laura Ingalls Wilder"  Pepin, Wisconsin 54759.  This book is lovely with beautiful photos of all of Laura's homes and surrounding landscapes.  It is chock full of information and interesting stories.  It is a lovely book for a novice or a collector.

The contest will run until August 31st at midnight. I will choose a winner on September 1st.  This contest is open internationally.

Please leave a comment and share an experience you've had reading any, all or none of her books.  Personally, I grew up watching the TV show and am now rereading the books as I don't remember them at all.  Also leave your E-Mail address and your Blog site if you have one, so I may contact you if you are the winner.  You must be a follower to enter but you do not have to twitter, facebook or advertise this contest unless you choose to.  You are gonna love this book!


  1. I love that you are giving away this book. I have been reading nothing but the Laura Ingalls books to my 12 year-old daughter for the last three years every night before she goes to sleep. She loves them. Most requested are "Farmer Boy" and "Little Town on the Prairie"....least favorite is "The Long Winter". She gets depressed hearing about all the blizzards and grinding the wheat. :)

    Reading them over and over, I have really grown to love them myself. We live in there a site to visit in Pepin? We might have to make it out there.

  2. Sorry! My blog site is Email

  3. Love Laura Ingalls Wilder! One of the great tragedies of my life is that I could never get my daughter into them.

    I've left you an award on my blog,

  4. First of all, thank you for stopping by my blog!!! Secondly, how awesome is this book!!?? I would love a chance to win!! I am so fascinated by anything little house or laura ingalls, especially the show and the books!! I started reading the new series about Laura's mom and grandmother and got totally hooked and ended buying almost all of them! Of course, they're not the same as the real thing, but still, I got addicted :) Thank you for the contest!!

    inthehammockblog at gmail dot com

  5. WOW! What a cool book! I absolutely LOVED these books when I was a little girl! I watched the show too, but the books were definitely a favorite of mine! I remember reading the whole series. In fact, it was the first series I ever read all of the books too! Reading this blog/contest makes me want to re-read the series. I just might do that!

    P.s. I came across your blog through Blog Hop and Follow Friday! =-) I'm not following you!

    Stephany @

  6. I actually have never read any of the books but I plan on doing so sometime in the near future. I did love watching the show when I was a kid with my grandma though.


  7. When I was 5 and my sister was 3, my parents started reading Little House in the Big Woods to us. Mom was pregnant at the time. When the baby was born, we lobbied heavily. And guess what her name is? Laura! We won! Nearly every year I reread the last 4 books. Last year I reread the first 4 books for probably the first time since I was about 10. I haven't reread Farmer Boy but I really think I should, partly because it's my Mom's favorite, and partly because it was in Shelf Discovery. I adore these books. I didn't particularly like being CALLED Laura Ingalls in the 70s when the TV show was popular and Mom insisted that I wear my hair in two briads (otherwise it got all tangled). The kids calling me that did not mean it as a compliment. But I love Laura Ingalls anyway.

    I am at cms1974 at earthlink dot net.

  8. While I didn't love the TV show, because so much of it was inaccurate, I love, love, love anything about Laura. My favorite Little House book is These Happy Golden Years. My favorite book about Laura is "Little House in the Ozarks: The Rediscovered Writings," which is a book of all of Laura's newspaper articles that she wrote from 1911-1925. If you can find a copy of it, it is awesome!

    I don't have this particular book and I'd love to win it!

    I follow now, in google reader.

  9. Contest has ended. I will announce and e-mail the winner shortly
