
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Laura Swag Contest

Laura Ingalls Wilder Swag Contest

One lucky winner will receive two bookmarks, and five individual postcards from three Laura Ingalls Wilder historic sites.  Do you have a child in your life who loves THE LITTLE HOUSE books, or maybe your a fan yourself.  Either way these are nice collector items, fancy bookmarks or an inspiration to journey to various Laura Ingalls Wilder sites throughout the US.  Anyone can enter, it is open internationally. 

Please leave a comment telling me what is your favorite LITTLE HOUSE book,  include your name, e-mail and blog site if you have one.  This contest will end on August 31st at midnight.


  1. What a fantastic contest! I have to say my favorite book by her is These Happy Golden Years.

    ~Jenn Burdick

  2. I think Little Town on the Prairie is probably my personal favorite. My daughter loves Farmer Boy, which I never read myself until she asked me to read it three years ago.


  3. Farmer Boy is my favorite. I just like hearing about her husband's experiences. These books bring back good memories - my mom read them to me when I was a kid, but I haven't read them since and don't own them!

    Thanks for hosting this contest!

    jlelliott08 [at] gmail [dot] com

  4. Contest has ended and I will announce and e-mail the winner soon.

  5. I got my bookmarks and postcards today...they are so cool! Thanks again :) We'll have to meet up sometime.
