
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Read Your Own Books in August

I am going to participate in Mel's Info and Books Read Your Own Books In August Challenge.  The object is not to buy any new books but read the books you already own.  I can do that!  Here are the rules, I created for myself and I am sticking to them.
1.  I will only read books I currently own
2.  My only exception is that I can read an ARC book tour book if it arrives in August.

Even though I am announcing this challenge today, I have only read my own books this month as opposed to buying new ones.  Seriously, I probably don't need to buy a another book for about 5 years.


  1. Welcome to the challenge and best of luck. I know what you mean about not needing to buy books. I have the same issue here. Good luck!

  2. Hopping over from Emma's and my first Blog Hop. I like how you read diverse books, as I also do. I'm going to follow your blog. Have a great weekend.

  3. Came here via blog hopping/Follow me. Have a blast hopping to/following new blogs!

    Do check out my blog, everything distils into reading. I too am an eclectic reader!
