
Saturday, September 6, 2014

August Author in the Spotlight Wrap Up + Giveaway

August Author in the Spotlight Wrap Up + Giveaway

The Giveaway ends for The Witch's Boy ends tonight at midnight.  Enter quick, so you don't miss this sweet, endearing story.

August is over and done and the good news is that I got out of my boot on August 30th.  I am walking super slow but I'm walking again and I'm so happy to be rid of the boot. School started for me and I am teaching 3 preps this semester.  It is a heavy teaching load but I really like my students and the classes I am teaching this year.
August was a good month.  My reading decreased mainly because I'm back to work.  I'm so tired at the end of the night, so instead of reading 2-3 hours a day, I'm reading about 30 minutes to an hour a day.  Teaching is physically exhausting.

I'm sad to say goodbye to this month's author Kelly Barnhill.  Although, I'm sure to see her around town or at her alma mater South High.  Her newest book, The Witch's Boy will be released in just 10 days!

Enter to win a copy of The Witch's Boy here:  The Witch's Boy Giveaway

Check out my book review of The Witch's Boy.  Barnhill has written a magical story about grief, friendship, adventure and survival that every kid (and kids at heart) will enjoy.  I was enchanted by Ned and his story and when he met the wolf in the woods, I knew that this story was special.  I love wolves.  The characters are well developed, the plot is layered and the story is wonderfully told.

Next check out the author interview with Kelly.  Learn more about what writers influence Kelly and where she got the story idea for The Witch's Boy and so much more. 

Please read Kelly's Guest Post.  It is totally awesome.  She has written a great guest post on the process of writing The Witch's Boy and how books astonish not only the reader but also the writer.  This is one of my favorite guest posts.

I've really enjoyed featuring Kelly and her books on BookSnob.  Kelly is a gifted writer and a wonderful, generous person.  I hope you will all check out her website and read one of her books.  She will transport you to a magical place.