
Monday, July 14, 2014

Graphic Novel Craze

Graphic Novel Craze

I am reading a TON of graphic novels this summer.  I am crazy for graphic novels.  What is not to love? There is graphic artwork, a kaleidoscope of colors or stark black and white.  They are usually quick reads for me and full of powerful story lines.

The Exile by Diana Gabaldon
Day 21, Book #17

I love the Outlander book series, soon to made into a TV series by Starz. This graphic novel tells Jamie's side of the story and is about one third of the original Outlander novel. It was a little hard to get into and some of the drawings were a little over the top, with Claire especially. I had a hard time in spots deciphering what was happening in the graphics/text and figuring out who was who and I read the Outlander book, so I already knew the story.   I still enjoyed it this graphic novel but not as much as I thought I would.

Friends With Boys by Faith Erin Hicks
Day 26, Book #20

Great drawings in this graphic novel of a home schooled teen and her first year of public high school. Enjoyable storyline. Maggie lives with three brothers and her dad and makes a friend named Lucy. Lucy has a fascination with ghosts and Maggie happens to have one who keeps following her around.  This is a great story about making friends and fitting in and going through the changes of growing up.  Appropriate for middle school and would appeal to girls as well as boys.

The Plain Janes by Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg
Day 34, Book #25

I really liked this graphic novel about four high school girls named Jane who start a secret club where they go out and art bomb or create art in public spaces. Each Jane excels in a different area of school but none of them are popular.  The main Jane is a thinking, feeling, wonderful young woman who wants to make a positive change in the world.  This is a decent graphic novel without sex and swearing and one I am happy to share with my 13 yr old daughter.

What graphic novels are you crazy about?