
Monday, June 2, 2014

Book Love from Book Riot Quarterly

Book Love from Book Riot Quarterly

My box of book love from Book Riot Quarterly arrived on Saturday.  I've been lying low, literally, because I fell Thursday night down the stairs and sprained and bruised the heck out of both of my feet.  So both my feet are up and being iced to reduce swelling and I can read all I want to.

This is my second box (I didn't subscribe to the first one) but Book Riot's 3rd, and I absolutely loved it.  I loved this month's theme and the small details and personalization that came with each book.  So cool.

First I read the letter and did not peek inside the box.  I highly recommend this as the anticipation is awesome. I'm totally saving all my letters.  Their theme this month was to give readers the chance to expand their horizons.  So they picked three genres of books that readers have expressed they are reluctant to try and gave us each one book from that genre.  Yay!

So here are the books and the genres

1.  First up is the Young Adult category.  Well I love this category and the book love inside the box is Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A.S. King.  I have only read one book by A.S. King and it was my favorite summer read of 2013, Ask the Passengers.  After I read it, I fell in love with A.S. King.  Yep, all it takes is just one book to fall in love with an author.  I am excited to read Please Ignore Vera Dietz and her other books too.  Oh and included in the book is a original flowchart from A.S. King.  How cool is that?  I love the personal touches.

2.  The second category is Sci-Fi/Fantasy.  I tend to like this category too but I don't read a lot of books in this genre and so I am glad to be introduced to a new author.  The Killing Moon by N.K. Jemisin looks awesome.  Inside the book is a hand written note from the author.  Love it!!

3.  The third category is Romance and here is where I wrinkle up my nose usually and my Booksnob qualities come out.  I think I read too much romance in my younger days and so now I don't want to read it. But I am thinking I will give this a try.  A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah Maclean.  This is the first book in a series.  The publisher (Avon/HarperCollins) created a poster that lists the 10 Reasons to Read Romance and it was included in my box of book love.
Here is the top ten reasons.
1.  Because life can be difficult, and books should be fun.
2.  Because love is the oldest story, and it's the only one everyone wants a part in.
3.  Because duke or vampire, cowboy or billionaire-the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
4.  Because in a genre for women, by women, the heroine always wins.
5.  Because bodice ripping isn't always a bad thing.  In fact, it can be a very good thing.
6.  Because sometimes the guy gets the girl.
7.  And sometimes, a girl has to take matters into her own hands.
8.  Because romance is the chocolate truffle of the literary world... and don't we all deserve a treat now and then?
9.  Because a perfect match takes time, and a great book is good company.
10.  Because everyone deserves a happily ever after.

I think I will hang this in my classroom.  Yep, I'm gonna try to add some Romance back into my reading life.

I also got a I Read YA button, a set of Literary Aces playing cards and Out of Print Library Card pouch.  It is kinda like a big coin purse.  I really like the Out of Print company and have several of their T-shirts.  I also got a 2 month subscription to the Oyster Ebook Service.  I am excited to try this.  I did not get any extra lottery items in my box this time but that is OK.  I love everything that was in my Book Riot Quarterly box.

OK, so now it is time for me to go forth and read.  Ouch, my feet hurt!