
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Book A Day. Book 2 and 3

Book A Day Summer Challenge.  Book #2 and #3.

I am trying to read a book a day this summer and today is Day #3 of summer for me.  So I want to share with you the two books I have finished.

Book #2
The Arrival by Shaun Tan
This is a wordless book and the artwork in it, is extraordinary.  It is beautiful, heartfelt and you will experience the foreign world that every immigrant experiences in a new place for the first time.  I loved it.

Book #3
The Raft by Jim LaMarche
The Raft is a beautiful children's book about a boy who spends the summer with his grandma.  She lives along a river and he finds a raft and connections to nature and his grandmother.  It is such a beautiful story and it totally reminds me of my experience growing up and spending summers with my grandparents in Wisconsin.  Any child would love this book.  In fact, I think I love it more than my children ever could.