
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

World Book Night 2014

World Book Night 2014

I am a first time participant in World Book Night 2014.  I signed up to give away 20 copies of Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein.  Unofficially I have given away books to my students on this day for a couple of years to mark the International Day of the Book.  Today it was great to give away an official book and get in the World Book Night book lover tradition.  I am feel so important and blessed to be able to share my love of reading with students.

I chose to giveaway Code Name Verity for a variety of reasons.  First, I wanted a YA title to give away to 9th graders.  Second I wanted a super good book that would appeal to the guys and the girls in class that was based in history (because I am a history teacher).  Third, Code Name Verity was given the Printz Honor award and that is my favorite book award so I knew students would LOVE it.

I gave away lots of books in my class today (including Code Name Verity).  Each person in my class and some who came from other classes, chose a book they wanted to read from my front table. It is so fun to give away good books and books you love.  I had several kids ask me what the best book on the table was and my answer was always Code Name Verity.

I can't wait till next year.
Happy Reading!!