
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

National Poetry Month Tour

National Poetry Month Tour

Hi Everyone,

This is a post to celebrate the love of poetry and National Poetry Month.  Thanks to Serena from Savvy Verse & Wit for creating and organizing the Reach for Horizon Blog Tour.

Currently, I am taking a 7 week poetry workshop.  I'm learning a lot about poetry and writing a bit of poetry myself.  This class is taught by Lee Kisling and I'm enjoying it immensely.

I try to read one poem every day and currently the poetry book I am reading is called, The Heart of All That Is:  Reflections on Home.  Edited by Jim Perlman, Deborah Cooper, Mara Hart, Pamela Mittefehldt.

So the poem I will share with you today comes from The Heart of All That Is and since I am taking a poetry class, I thought this poem would be fitting.  It is poignant and powerful.

In Poetry Class at the Jail
Derek Talks About the Moon
by: Deborah Cooper

The moon he can see
through the window of his cell

for seven lucky minutes
every night it's clear.

Then Justin talks about the moon
that rose above the barn

on the farm of his seventh
foster family

the way it soothed
his loneliness.

Bart writes a poem about the memory
of moonlight upon snow

when he was only nine,
first time he ran away.

Josh recalls a winter
on the streets, fifteen...

the coldest night, spent
huddled in a dumpster.

We write in silence then.

When they're led back to their blocks
for lockdown, I head home.

A pale moon sails
the darkening canopy of sky

from wide horizon
to horizon.