
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Happy 4 Years of Book Blogging to Me.

Happy 4 Years of Book Blogging to Me.

Four years ago today, I started book blogging.  I came up with a name and a definition of a Book Snob and ran with it.  Since then I have learned so much and made many new friends, met lots of great authors, read many awesome books and have basically expanded my literary repertoire.

A fun fact:
The first book I reviewed on Book Snob was:
The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa
Translated by Stephen Snyder

I am going to reprint my first blog post (just for fun) today!

My first post was titled:  What is a Book Snob?

A book snob is a person who loves to read but is very selective in their reading choices. I am a book snob. Welcome to my reading world. I am the essential picky reader and proud of it.

What I don't read:
Romance novels
Mystery novels
NY Times best sellers
Chick Lit

What I do read:
Young Adult Books
Graphic Novels
Science Fiction and Fantasy

Once in a very yellow or blue moon I might read a non-snobbish book for fun.

I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who reads my blog and comments.
Thanks for making me feel special and for giving me a creative outlet to write.
Thanks for reading my book reviews because I truly appreciate that you take your valuable time to read what I write.

I know people at other blogs celebrate in big ways.  I just want a quiet celebration at Book Snob.  But I do have some extra contests planned this month as a way to thank you to all my followers.