
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Geoff Herbach and Kelly Barnhill visit South High

Geoff Herbach and Kelly Barnhill visit South High

Geoff Herbach and Kelly Barnhill are two wonderful Young Adult authors who live in Minnesota and have children that go to school at South High, where I teach.

I kindly asked them to come into South and speak to students during "I Love to Read" month about their books and the craft of writing.

Kelly Barnhill is a former graduate of South High and I just figured out I had one of her brothers in my class about 12 years ago.  She is also a former Minnespolis teacher.  Giving her a big virtual high five hand slap!  She has written two middle grade books, The Mostly True Story of Jack and Iron Hearted Violet which is her latest book.  She has two new books coming out this year, one for middle readers and one for adults.  Kelly actually writes her books in her head while she is jogging.  I don't know how she does it.  She offered up some great writing advice for students.

Geoff Herbach is a recent winner of the Minnesota Book Award.
He teaches creative writing at Mankato State University and he has written the Stupid Fast trilogy which includes, Stupid Fast, Nothing Special and I'm with Stupid.  He talked to students about how he wrote an adult book that no one bought and then made money writing dirty jokes before he decided to write young adult fiction.  His new book, Fat Boy vs. the Cheerleaders will be released this year.
Geoff's son was in my world history class last year.  Geoff tells the best stories and made us all laugh.

Both Kelly Barnhill and Geoff Herbach will be featured authors on BookSnob this year where I will interview them and review their books.  So excited to have them be a part of my Minnesota Author spotlight and so thankful to have them at South High to speak with students.

Sending out a big THANKS!
Go check out their books.  You will love them!