
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Book Gifts

This year I made a goal for myself to read all the books I received as gifts during the Holidays.  So often I receive a book and then I add it to my shelf full of books to read and then it lingers there on the shelf for way too long.  So I am determined to read these books this year and I thought I would do a post on it to hold myself accountable.

Here are the books I received as gifts and that I plan to read in 2014.  Note:  Two of the books I bought myself as gifts while Christmas shopping so I am also counting them.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is a Secret Santa gift from Caitlin at  

Everybody Sees the Ants by A.S. King is also a Secret Santa gift from Caitlin at  A.S. King is a new favorite author of mine.
Thank You Caitlin!!  I love my new books and can't wait to read them.

For Christmas, my son Max picked out this book:  The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo and I am reading it now as my first book of the year!  I am loving it.

My Mom and Step-Dad got me Dr. Zhivago for Christmas and I am looking forward to reading this around March for an online Literary Event, hosted by 3 amazing bloggers (myself included).  (announcement to come later).

I bought myself these two books and when I saw the price I couldn't

Wonder by RJ Palacio.  I have heard wonderful things about this book and I figured I needed to read it for myself to see what everyone is talking about.

The Gendarme by Mark Mustian is another book I am reading for the online Lit Collective Reading Retreat.  The theme is World War I and this book was at half-price.  The cover photo is just stunning of this beautiful girl.

So there you have it.  SIX books I received as gifts and plan to read in

What books did you receive as gifts??