
Friday, December 20, 2013

Someone Else's Love Story by Joshilyn Jackson

Someone Else's Love Story by Joshilyn Jackson

In the middle of a gas station hold-up, Shandi falls in love with a guy who looks like the Norse god Thor.  Will is his name and first he saves her life and then she saves his.  This tumultuous event has thrown Will and Shandi together.

If Shandi had a Facebook page she would label her relationship status; complicated.

If Shandi was writing an ad for the personals it would read:
21, single female, college student, looking for a man who can entertain and love a brainy 3 year old boy.  Who won't be jealous of male, poet best friend, can handle warring parents of two different religions and a wicked step-mother.  Please apply if you look like a superhero and act like one too.

If Will was writing an ad for the personals it would read: Nada. Zilch.
Forget it, William is not looking for love, he is hiding from it.  He lost his one true love, his wife, and their daughter in a car accident.  He is in survival mode and his best friend Paula is helping him forget.

Someone's Else Love Story is a romance with a twist of lemon and a shot of tequila.  Joshilyn Jackson is the queen of the written one liners.  Her sentences are so awesome and smashingly interesting that you need to read them more than once.  She makes you smile and think and she actually makes you want to compose awesome sentences that roll off your tongue and cause everyone to listen up too.  Jackson is creative and most people who read her books fall in love with her characters, who tend to be a little on the wild side, mixed up and unforgettable.  This is the second book I have read by Jackson, Gods in Alabama being the first.  Reading Jackson is like saying a prayer and having it answered on the same night.

Need a date for Friday or Saturday night?  Pick up Someone's Else Love Story, pour yourself a glass of wine, settle into your favorite comfy chair and fall in love.